Tips for SEO Page Optimization

Page URL

  • The keyword / phrase should appear in the URL for that page.

Page Content

  • Keyword / keyphrase should appear 1 to 2 times in a subheadings on that page. While not a major ranking factor, this is beneficial.
  • The keyword should appear in the first paragraph of your page.
  • The keyword density should be more than 1% and no more than 6%.
  • A recommended minimum of 300 words should be contained in the body of your page.

Page Title

  • The page title should contain keyword / phrase, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.
  • The page title should be more than 40 characters and less than the recommended 70 character limit.

Meta Description

  • The meta description should contain the primary keyword / phrase.
  • In your specified meta description, consider: How does it compare to the competition? Could it be made more appealing?
  • The meta description are limited to 156 chars.


  • The images on your page should contain alt tags with the target keyword / phrase.


  • The page should have outbound link(s).