Editing RESX Files
Edit Files with SimpleResxEditor

SimpleResxEditor is a text editor especially designed to easily edit RESX files. Download a copy from http://code.google.com/p/simpleresxeditor.

Open SimpleResxEditor.

Open RESX files. Click on the first toolbar button, and select RESX files to open. One file should be a guide (English) and another one to translate. For example: Open resources.ko.resx (Korean) to translate, and resources.resx (English) as a guide.

Set Key column visible. Click on the “Key” toolbar button to activate it. Key column is not visible by defaultClick on Key icon to enable Key column

Alternatively, set the Key column always visible from the startup. Click on the “Settings” toolbar button.

Edit value fields, comparing it to the Key and English values. NOTE: Do not enter anything in the “Comments” field. Only translate the “Value” field.

Save file. Click on the second toolbar button.

Edit Files with Text Editor

A regular text editor can be used for editing RESX files as well.

Any < data > node that has a < value > needs to have this value translated. For example:

English (default) resource file Resources.resx:

  <data name="rsAddress" xml:space="preserve">

Korean resource file Resources.ko.resx:

  <data name="rsAddress" xml:space="preserve">