

Action<int> example1 =
   (int x) => Console.WriteLine("Write {0}", x);
Action<int, int> example2 =
   (x, y) => Console.WriteLine("Write {0} and {1}", x, y);
Action example3 =  
   () => Console.WriteLine("Done");
Using Actions to Communicate Between Background Worker and Main Threads
using System.Windows.Threading;  // in WindowsBase.dll
public partial class MyWindow : Window
  public MyWindow()
    new Thread (Work).Start();
  void Work()
    Thread.Sleep (5000);           // Simulate time-consuming task
    UpdateMessage ("The answer");
  void UpdateMessage (string message)
    Action action = () => txtMessage.Text = message;
    Dispatcher.Invoke (action);


/// <summary>
/// Close the popup menu.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
    // Deal with cross thread ownership of UI control instance
    // by invoking an action delegate. In other words, 
    // popupmnu is owned by thread that instantiated it (when Open() was called),
    // so we cannot close popmnu arbitrarily.  We need the help of
    // the owner thread's Dispatcher to execute the Close() for us.
    //Action action = () => popmnuReports.IsOpen = false;
    Action action = this.CloseDelegate();
/// <summary>
/// Close method deletegate, used by cross thread dispatcher.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Action CloseDelegate()
    return delegate()
        popmnuFitting.IsOpen = false;
        m_TimerForDisplay.Enabled = false;