Verification: Sonetik Build Tool
Term Definition
Production Tool The software used to load a Profile to a circuit.
Profile The set of circuit parameters as specified by Sonetik that determines a products output performance.
PGM or PGM file An engineering file that lists all parameters of a Profile. This file is considered the master specification for a given Profile.
Circuit Hash A way to uniquely identify the content of the circuit. A parameter change will also change the circuit hash. Each Sonetik Profile has a corresponding and unique circuit hash.
Master Hash List A list of Sonetik Profiles with version and hash. This list is managed independently from the production tool which allows us to use the hash to also validate the production tool.
Sonetik Profile Programming Validation Report A final report run after programming to verify that the appropriate Profile was loaded to a device.

How hashes are generated (each profile)

  1. A new Profile PGM file is received from Sonetik.
  2. A compatible circuit is acquired that has been cleared of any data.
  3. Intricon’s engineering software is used to load the Profile PGM to the circuit. (This is the same software that is used to initially determine and save the Profile PGM settings.)
  4. A software engineer uses the Production Tool to read the circuit and generate a Circuit Hash.
  5. This hash is manually added to the Master Hash List by a software engineer.

How production tool works

  1. Production Tool detects circuit.
  2. Operator inputs work order and serial number then selects which Profile to load.
  3. Production Tool loads selected Profile to circuit.
  4. Production Tool submits order number, profile selected, serial number and Circuit Hash to logging database.
  5. Production Tool loads order number and serial number to circuit.

How product is audited (each device)

  1. Production Tool logs all Profile loads to external database. Data logged contains Circuit Hash, work order and serial number.
  2. A query is run to validate all Profile loads. If a logged hash isn't on the Master Hash List or the hash doesn't match the logged profile, a field marks the row as invalid.
  3. Any invalid product is reprogrammed or further troubleshooting is done to find the root of the issue.
  4. Repeat steps 3-4 is repeated until all rows are valid.
  5. A report is then run, saved and provided to Sonetik.

How production tool is validated (each profile)

  1. A compatible circuit is acquired that has been cleared of any data.
  2. A software engineer uses the Production Tool to load a Profile to the circuit.
  3. Intricon’s engineering software is used to read the circuit and save a PGM file.
  4. The generated PGM file is compared to the originally specified Profile PGM.
  5. Any discrepancies are investigated to find the root of the issue. Repeat steps 1-4 until all profiles match the original Profile PGM needed.