Solutions Guide: Intuition 2 / Simplex 2P BTE


  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 2.5 to 3.5 kHz.
  • Advanced: Activate Feedback Notch at 4000Hz.
  • Equalizer: Decrease gain at 4.5 to 6.5 kHz.
  • Equalizer: Decrease gain at 3 to 6.5 kHz.
  • Basic: Slide High Cut Corner to 2500 Hz.
  • Tips:
  • Check ear canal for wax/debris.
  • Check receiver direction and canal length.


  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Equalizer: Increase Gain at 1.5 - 3.5 kHz.
  • Tips:
    • Enlarge and/or step back vent.
    • Taper canal.
    • Remake to shorten/lengthen canal accordingly.
    • Counsel.
    • Increase overall gain and/or low frequency Soft Gain (Ch 1) (may be due to insufficient amplification).

Background Noise

  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1.
  • Equalizer: Increase Gain at 1.5 - 3.5 kHz.
  • Advanced: Increase Expansion Threshold.
  • Decrease overall Gain.
  • Tips:
    • If these programming solutions are insufficient, please call Audina to discuss the value of directional microphones (if not already in use).

Rushing Water/Fan Noise/Static/Circuit Noise

  • Advanced: Increase Expansion Threshold.
  • Compression: Decrease TK in Ch 1.
  • Compression: Decrease TK in Ch 2.
  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 1 kHz.
  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 4 kHz and above.
  • Tips:
    • Increasing vent size may assist in resolving this issue.

Can hear but not understand / Speech is unclear

  • Equalizer: Increase Gain at 1.5 - 3.5 kHz.
  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Advanced: Increase MPO.
  • Increase overall Gain.
  • Tips:
    • This complaint is most often a result of the upward spread of masking or insufficient high frequency emphasis.

Own Voice


  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1, 2.
  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Equalizer: Increase Gain at 1.5 - 3.5 kHz.
  • Advanced: Increase MPO.
  • Tips:
    • If you suspect this complaint is due to the occlusion effect, please refer to barrel/hollow/echo/plugged/occlusion solutions.


  • Advanced: Decrease MPO.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1.
  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Tips:
    • If you suspect this complaint is due to the occlusion effect, please refer to barrel/hollow/echo/plugged/occlusion solutions.


  • Advanced: Decrease MPO.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 3 kHz and above.
  • Advanced: Activate Feedback Notch at 4000Hz.
  • Tips:
    • If you suspect this complaint is due to the occlusion effect, please refer to barrel/hollow/echo/plugged/occlusion solutions.

Can hear distant sounds but not close up

  • Compression: Increase TK in Ch 2.
  • Compression: Increase TK in Ch 1.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in Ch 1.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Increase overall Gain.
  • Tips:
    • Autofitting in Linear or MPO mode may also rectify this situation.

Too Loud

Only Loud Sounds Too Loud

  • Advanced: Decrease MPO.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1.

All Sounds Too Loud

  • Decrease overall Gain.
  • Advanced: Decrease MPO.
  • Basic: Move Low Cut Corner to the right.
  • Dishware Sounds/Water Running Too Loud
  • Advanced: Increase Expansion Threshold.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 1 and 2.
  • Advanced: Decrease MPO.
  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 2.5 kHz and above.

Too Soft (Weak)

Soft Sounds Too Soft

  • Advanced: Decrease Expansion Threshold.
  • Increase overall Gain.

All Sounds Too Soft

  • Increase overall Gain.
  • Advanced: Increase MPO.
  • Advanced: Increase Gain at 1 kHz.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in Ch 1.

Sounds Tinny/Harsh/Sharp

  • Equalizer: Decrease Gain at 2.5 kHz and above.
  • Compression: Increase Compression Ratio in Ch 2.
  • Advanced: Increase Gain at 1 kHz.

No Perceived Benefit

  • Increase overall Gain.
  • Equalizer: Increase Gain at 1.5 to 3 kHz.
  • Advanced: Decrease Expansion Threshold.
  • Tips:
    • If patient is a previous Linear or AGC-o user, re-autofit in the respective mode.

Pumping (Cuts In and Out)

  • Compression: Change Time Constant to Slow.
  • Compression: Increase TK in Ch 2.
  • Compression: Decrease Compression Ratio in all channels.
  • Advanced: Increase MPO.