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Setup New User and Station

Computer and Network

  • Login to \\ as Administrator.
  • Create an account in Active Directory (or Exchange). Verify that user is in the correct user group (Active Directory).
  • Set the following under Active Directory > username > Properties > Account:
    • User cannot change password.
    • Password never expires.
  • Provide user profile under Active Directory > User > Properties > Profile: \\fileserver\profiles\username


  • Create an account in Exchange (
  • Setup Outlook to use new user information.
  • Delete old accounts in Exchange.
  • Create aliases for old account to go to new account. * Login to Linux mail server. <code> $ ssh </code> * Edit aliases table in /etc/aliases. * Rehash aliases table with newaliases. <code>$ /usr/bin/newaliases</code>

Instant Messaging

Vypress Messenger

* Verify that local machine has the name of user (first name). This is the user name in Vypress Messenger. * Control Panel > System > Machine Name * Setup Vypress Messenger in local machine. * Configure Vypress (View > Preferences > User Information) to use: * Full name of user: Jane Doe * Nickname: machine name (used for finding the user to contact). Eg: JANE * E-mail address: user's email address. Eg: * Permanent Replay Address: machine IP or DNS address. Eg:

Spark IM Client


BosâNova (System/36)

  • Contact Business Manager (Kathy Busche) to create an account to get into the system.
  • Login as a System/36 user to use the system.
  • Enter option 24 to logout of the system.

OnContact V


Payroll TimeClock (Paychex)

  • Contact Human Resources (Maryanne Salmon) to create a user to login to the Paychex TimeClock system.
  • Create a local user in server TIMECLOCKSERVER, which will be used to connect and map a drive.
    • Login to \\TimeClockServer as Administrator.
    • Go to Manage Computer and create a local user.
  • On the local workstation:
    • Map drive T: to share \\TIMECLOCKSERVER\TimeClock
    • Create a Desktop shortcut for the PayChex TimeClock application (T:\PAYCHEX\PCENTRY.EXE).
    • Run TimeClock application to test it: