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systems:windows_setup_and_configuration [2014/01/17 16:11]
smayr [Tips]
systems:windows_setup_and_configuration [2018/07/13 08:51] (current)
smayr [Tips]
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 == Tips == == Tips ==
-* Set Explorer short to 'Computer': <code>%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}</code>+==== Explorer ==== 
 +* Set Explorer short to 'Computer': <code>%windir%\explorer.exe /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}</code> 
 +==== Reset Environment Without Rebooting ==== 
 +After changing environment variables, these changes do not take place immediately when using the command line.  To have them take effect right away without rebooting, perform these steps: 
 +  * In a command prompt type: <code> C:\> runas /user:myusername@mydomain cmd </code> or <code> C:\> runas /user:mymachine/myusername cmd </code> 
 +  * It will open up a new command prompt, then type: <code> C:\> taskkill /f /im explorer.exe </code> 
 +  * Type (or from Task Manager: File > Run new task): <code> C:\> explorer.exe </code>