This is an old revision of the document!

Linux Maintenance Scripts
Mail Spool Maintenance

Remove mail files of certain size (mailboxes that have spam and are not checked by users)

for x in $( ls /var/spool/mail ); do
  if [ $( stat -c %s /var/spool/mail/$x ) -gt 10000000 ]; then
    echo $x >> names.log
    # rm $x
Commonly Used ''sed'' Commands

Deleting Tabs with ''sed''

To delete the rest of a line after the tab in command du (disk used), try one of the following commands:

Delete characters from the begining of line until the tab:

$ du | sed "s/^.*\t//"

Delete tabe from the end of the line:

$ du | sed "s/\t.*$//"
^ for beginning.
$ for end.
. for one character.
* for 0 or more repetitions.
\t for tab.
Backup Critical Data and Configuration

Create a daily cron task to backup some important files to a directory (for example: /data/backup). This script should be created as /etc/cron.daily/

## script: /etc/cron.daily/
# Define Target Directory
# Try to create TargetDir if it does not exist
if ! cd $TARGETDIR; then
  mkdir $TARGETDIR
# Perform operations if TargetDir exists
if cd $TARGETDIR; then
  # Remove old backup file
  #rm -rf $TARGETDIR/*
  ## Backup
  # Backup mail spool
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/mail-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail
  # Backup user directories
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/homes-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/homes-backup.tar.gz /home
  # Backup root user directories
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/root-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/root-backup.tar.gz /root
  # Backup system settings, ie. /etc directory
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/etc-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc
  # Backup MYSQL databases
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql
  # Hot backup with mysqldump command: 
  # mysqldump -u<username> -p<password> <database name> > <outputfile.sql>
  # Restore with:
  # mysql -u<username> -p<password> <database name> < <inputfile.sql>
  mysqldump -uroot -pMyPass website_db > website_db.sql
  tar -czf $TARGETDIR/website_db.tar.gz /tmp/website_db.sql
  rm /tmp/website_db.sql
  # Backup SAMBA config files (when using tdbsam)
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/samba-data-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/samba-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/samba
  # Backup website
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz
  #tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz /var/www
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz /var/www --exclude "/var/www/downloads" --exclude "/var/www/es/downloads"
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/downloads-backup.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/downloads-backup.tar.gz /var/www/downloads
  # Backup database as SQL
  # Backup projects
  rm -f $TARGETDIR/projrepos.tar.gz
  tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/projrepos.tar.gz /data/repos
  # Send Reminder
  ## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
  mail root@localhost -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"
  ## send message to sysadmin.
  mail root@localhost -s "Backup failed. %TARGETDIR does not exist"  

Including Subversion repositories:

# Define Repository Directory
# Remove old Subversion dump file
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump
# Step 1: Backup your old Repository
# The first thing you need when moving from one server to another
# is a dump of your subversion repository. Hopefully you are already
# creating dump's with a backup script, but if not here's how you can
# create a subversion dump file:
# svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-clarujust.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-clarujust.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezarkd7.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezarkd7.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.localization.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.localization.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit5.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit5.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit-autorun.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit-autorun.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezhit.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezhit.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-eznzd7.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-eznzd7.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-gennum.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-gennum.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-installation.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-installation.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-mycomponents.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-mycomponents.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-nal.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-nal.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-prninvoice.svn_dump
svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-prninvoice.svn_dump
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-projskel.tar.gz
tar czf $TARGETDIR/repo-projskel.tar.gz $REPOSDIR/projskel
rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-conf.tar.gz
tar czf $TARGETDIR/repo-conf.tar.gz $REPOSDIR/conf
# The dump file contains all the revisions you have ever made
# to your svn repository, so it will probably be quite large
# (it even includes files you may have deleted in a previous revision).
# Step 2: Create the new Repository
# Now, simply transfer the dump file on to your new subversion server,
# and create an empty repository:
# svnadmin create /path/to/repository
# svnadmin create $REPOSDIR
# Step 3: Import your old repository into the new one
# Next import your dump file:
# svnadmin load /path/to/repository < repo_name.svn_dump
# svnadmin load $REPOSDIR < $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump
## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
#mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"