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systems:joomla:audina_website_v4 [2014/05/06 15:35]
systems:joomla:audina_website_v4 [2014/05/06 15:52] (current)
Line 104: Line 104:
     #AllowOverride None     #AllowOverride None
     AllowOverride All     AllowOverride All
-    Order allow,deny +    # Apache 2.2 
-    allow from all+    #Order allow,deny 
 +    #allow from all 
 +    # Apache 2.4 
 +    Require all granted
     # Uncomment this directive is you want to see apache2's     # Uncomment this directive is you want to see apache2's
     # default start page (in /apache2-default) when you go to /     # default start page (in /apache2-default) when you go to /