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swdev:java:component:jframe [2017/10/05 23:03]
smayr [Layout Managers]
swdev:java:component:jframe [2017/10/05 23:05] (current)
smayr [Layout Managers]
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 == Layout Managers == == Layout Managers ==
-Java Swing uses Layout Managers to manage the size and postion of visual components. This is the official java tutorial on how to use this Layout managers:+Java Swing uses Layout Managers to manage the size and position of visual components. Tutorial on how to use these Layout Managers[[http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/using.html]]
-http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/using.html +Most common layout managers:
- +
-And there is a brief description of the most common layout managers+
   * **FlowLayout (default)**: it disposes the components left to right and up to down.   * **FlowLayout (default)**: it disposes the components left to right and up to down.