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swdev:java:component:jframe [2017/10/05 23:02]
swdev:java:component:jframe [2017/10/05 23:05] (current)
smayr [Layout Managers]
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 == Layout Managers == == Layout Managers ==
-Java Swing uses Layout Managers to manage the size and postion of visual components. This is the official java tutorial on how to use this Layout managers:+Java Swing uses Layout Managers to manage the size and position of visual components. Tutorial on how to use these Layout Managers[[http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/using.html]]
-http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/using.html+Most common layout managers:
-And there is a brief description of the most common layout managers +  * **FlowLayout (default)**: it disposes the components left to right and up to down. 
- +  * **BorderLayout**: it divides the container in NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST center CENTER. Only one component by position. Components on border expands and the center component uses the space avaiable 
-FlowLayout (default): it disposes the components left to right and up to down. +  * **GridLayout**: you initialice the manager indicating how many rows and cols the grid is going to have. Each cell has same size and you start adding component on the top left cell. 
- +  * **GridBagLayout**: the MOST fine grained layout manager, you can do anything with this, but is a bit complicated, see the java documentation for it. 
-BorderLayout: it divides the container in NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST center CENTER. Only one component by position. Components on border expands and the center component uses the space avaiable +  * **NullLayout** (when you nullify the container's layout manayer): no layout manager, components uses the location and size properties to show on components. 
- +  * Containers inside in other containers can use a different layout manager than their parent. Combining layout managers is a difficult art to learn.
-GridLayout: you initialice the manager indicating how many rows and cols the grid is going to have. Each cell has same size and you start adding component on the top left cell. +
- +
-GridBagLayout: the MOST fine grained layout manager, you can do anything with this, but is a bit complicated, see the java documentation for it. +
- +
-NullLayout (when you nullify the container's layout manayer): no layout manager, components uses the location and size properties to show on components. +
- +
-And of course, containers inside in other containers can use a different layout manager than their parent. Combining layout managers is a difficult art to learn.+
 References: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1496858/anchoring-and-docking-controls-in-java-swing]] References: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1496858/anchoring-and-docking-controls-in-java-swing]]