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swdev:howto:software_localization_using_multilizer [2009/01/30 16:02]
swdev:howto:software_localization_using_multilizer [2009/02/02 14:56] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-==Using Multilizer==+== Software Localization Using Multilizer ==
Line 30: Line 30:
 * Press < Create a File > button. * Press < Create a File > button.
 * Select "Text" (tab) * Select "Text" (tab)
-** Character Set: Ansi+** Character Set: Ansi (or preferably UTF8)
 ** Delimiter: Tab ** Delimiter: Tab
-** Quote: None (or whatever is applicable to your data)+** Quote: Double (or whatever is applicable to your data)
 ** Context Column: First ** Context Column: First
 {{.:multilizer-export01.jpg|Multilizer: Export Wizard - File}} {{.:multilizer-export01.jpg|Multilizer: Export Wizard - File}}
Line 41: Line 41:
 ** In MS Excel: import file as Text (delimited text). Save file as XLS (Excel) to share this file with human translators. ** In MS Excel: import file as Text (delimited text). Save file as XLS (Excel) to share this file with human translators.
 ** In OpenOffice Calc: import file as Text CSV (Select "File of Type", then Text CSV (*.csv, *.txt)).  Select character set UTF-8 for most languages. ** In OpenOffice Calc: import file as Text CSV (Select "File of Type", then Text CSV (*.csv, *.txt)).  Select character set UTF-8 for most languages.
 +{{.:ooo-localized-text-import-utf8-csv.jpg|CSV file to import in OpenOffice containing UTF8 localization text}}
 ==Data Import== ==Data Import==