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Unit Testing with NUnit
  • Using NUnit Test Runner:
  • Using Test Explorer in VS [Optional]:
    • Install Visual Studio extension (Tools > Extensions and Updates): NUnit Test Adapter for Visual Studio.
  • Add a reference to NUnit.Framework.dll in project (or Solution)
    • Manually: Project > References > right-click > Add References > Find path for NUnit.Framework.dll and select it.
    • Automatically: Using NuGet NUnit package (see Select project > right-click > Manage NuGet Packages > All > Add 'NUnit'.

Create test class in project, including all necessary test cases.

Create basic test class for testing unit TTools in file Acme.App.Localization\Tools.cs:

file ToolsTest.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Acme.App.Localization
    /// <summary>
    /// Class TTools
    /// </summary>
    class ToolsTest
        public void Init()
        public void CleanUp()
        [Test, Description("Check Something Exists")]
        public void CheckSomethingExists()
            Assert.AreEqual(Something, true);
Run Tests
  • Using Test Explore in VS:
    • Test > Windows > Text Explorer.
    • Run tests using Unit Test Explorer > Run All.
  • Using NUnit Test Runner:
    • Run Test Runner, and create new Test project (File > New Project).
    • Select assembly or application containing unit tests (Project > Add Assembly). Note: These assemblies and applications must have a reference to NUnit.Framework.dll in their individual projects.