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Import and Export Patient Data

Data gets exported to the following formats:

NOAH CSV format

NOAH CSV File field names:

Field Number Field Name
1 Client No
2 Create Date
3 Created By
4 First Name
5 Last Name
6 Middle Name
7 Sex/Gender
8 Birth date
9 Salutation
10 Title
11 Address1
12 Address2
13 Address3
14 State / Province
15 Zip
16 City
17 Home Phone
18 Fax Phone
19 SS number
20 E-Mail
21 CountryCode
22 Language Code
23 ClientGroup
24 Alpha1
25 Alpha2
26 Alpha3
27 Alpha4
28 Alpha5
29 Alpha6
30 Alpha7
31 Alpha8
32 Alpha9
33 Alpha10
34 Alpha12
35 Alpha13
36 Alpha14
37 Alpha15
 [0]Client No,	Create Date,	Created By,	[3]First Name,	[4]Last Name,	Middle Name,
            // [6]Sex/Gender,	[7]Birth date,	Salutation,	Title,	[10]Address1,	[11]Address2,	Address3,
            // [12]State / Province,	[13]Zip,	[14]City,	[15]Home Phone,	[16]Work Phone,	Fax Phone,	SS number,
            // [19]E-Mail,	[20]CountryCode,	Language Code,	ClientGroup,
            // Alpha1,	Alpha2,	Alpha3,	Alpha4,	Alpha5,	Alpha6,	Alpha7,	Alph8,	Alpha9,
            // Alpha10,	Alpha11,	Alpha12,	Alpha13,	Alpha14,	Alpha15

Generic CSV format

          // Generic CSV File field names:
          // "Patient Number","Patient ID","First Name","Last Name","Gender","Birthdate",
          // "Address 1","Address 2","City","State","Zip","Country","Email",
          // "Home Phone","Work Phone","Mobile Phone",
          // "Right 250","Right 500","Right 750","Right 1000","Right 1500","Right 2000","Right 3000","Right 4000","Right 6000","Right 8000",
          // "Left 250","Left 500","Left 750","Left 1000","Left 1500","Left 2000","Left 3000","Left 4000","Left 6000","Left 8000"