This is an old revision of the document!

HiPro Error Codes
Error Code Description
010 “Framing error reported from HI-PRO”
011 “Receiver overrun error reported from HI-PRO”
012 “Receiver noise on line error reported from HI-PRO”
015 “Receiver timeout error reported from HI-PRO”
020 “Invalid message number reported from HI-PRO”
021 “Invalid message header reported from HI-PRO”
022 “Invalid data reported from HI-PRO”
023 “Message termination error reported from HI-PRO”
030 “Too many characters in argument reported from HI-PRO”
031 “Too few data in stream argument reported from HI-PRO”
032 “Too many data in stream argument reported from HI-PRO”
033 “Data argument out of valid range reported from HI-PRO”
034 “Too few data in hex byte data block reported from HI-PRO”
035 “Requested data is not available reported from HI-PRO”
036 “Invalid data in input buffer reported from HI-PRO”
037 “Invalid communication mode reported from HI-PRO”
038 “Timing too fast reported from HI-PRO”
040 “Out of memory reported from HI-PRO”
041 “Learn is not started reported from HI-PRO”
042 “All ready in learn mode reported from HI-PRO”
043 “No output bit stream defined reported from HI-PRO”
044 “No input specification defined reported from HI-PRO”
045 “No pin specification defined reported from HI-PRO”
046 “H.I. timeout reported from HI-PRO”
047 “The connected HI-PRO could not be authenticated (Device authentication). Please contact your supplier for assistance”
048 “Input Buffer is Full reported from HI-PRO”
049 “ADC timeout reported from HI-PRO”
050 “Checksum error reported from HI-PRO”
051 “Flash verify error reported from HI-PRO”
052 “Invalid downloaded program reported from HI-PRO”
099 “Undefined error reported from HI-PRO”
200 “TIMEOUT”“HI-PRO does not respond”“Check power and RS232 connections”
201 “Error in WriteComm?”“GetCommError? returns %d”
202 “Error in OpenComm?”“COM port may be in use by another device. Try to change COMPort= in HIPRO.INI.”
203 “Error in SetCommState?”
204 “Error in BuildCommDCB”
205 “User was not logged in”
206 “HI-PRO has been reset ( settings lost )”
207 “Invalid data received from HI-PRO”
208 “Invalid header received from HI-PRO”
209 “Too big stream received from HI-PRO”
210 “Numerics received from HI-PRO is out of range”
211 “No terminator in data from HI-PRO”
212 “Incomplete block received from HI-PRO”
213 “Error in ReadComm?”“GetCommError? returns %d”
214 “Unexpected data from HI-PRO”
215 “Bad CheckSum? in data received from HI-PRO”
216 “Error in CloseComm?”
217 “Bad Parameter send to instrument driver”
218 “VBat low. Disconnect HI from HI-PRO”
219 “Self test status error”
221 “Receiver overflow”“Input buffer too small or not emptied”
222 “Overrun”“Interrupts disabled too long time. Try lower baudrate.”
223 “Parity error”
224 “Framing error”“Wrong instrument connected or instrument turned off”
225 “Break detected”“Wrong instrument connected or instrument turned off”
226 “Transmission queue was full”“Output buffer too small”
227 “Requested mode is not supported, or the idComDev parameter is invalid”
228 “Transmission queue never empties! Maybe IRQ conflict”
229 “The connected HI-PRO could not be authenticated (PC Driver authentication). Please contact your supplier for assistance”