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Software Development Meeting 2012-Feb-29

Software Meeting Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Glenn
  • Katie
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Software Review
  • AJ assigned to work with ezFIT5.
  • Prescription Formulas:
    • Currently implemented: Fitting Formula v.2 2006
    • Planned for implementation: NAL-NL1
  • Initial Fitting screen additions:
    • Manual Volume Control
    • Push Button Access
    • Max Memories
  • Necessity of Time Constants
    • Not used much by customers
    • Move to Factory Settings screen, so that it can be set on instruments before shipping.
  • Timeline:
    • Reviewed currently outstanding bugs.
    • Prioritized bug fixing.
    • Delayed some feature requests for later implementation.
    • Tentative schedule for Beta testing: Mar 12, 2012
    • Potential Beta testers:
      • Cynthia Quinn (Domestic)
      • Sarah Schumaier-Campbell (Domestic)
      • Dr. Greg Lamp (Domestic)
      • Peter Hviid-Elkrog (Export)
      • Brian Coffey (Export)
Completed Actions