This is an old revision of the document!

Software Development Meeting 2011-Jan-31

Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Paul
  • Barbara
  • Steve
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Software Review
  • Add Mem Links default option (Options).
  • Verify Simulation data, not working on test Win7 machines.
  • Add HyperCardioid polar plots to AD screen.
  • Patient Info: Add Age (calculated from DoB).
  • Suggestions by Audina Germany:
    • Ability to default to sides linked in preferences
    • UCL frequency specific marked on audiogram
    • Click on product in matrix to get specification sheets
    • Show peak gain and fitting range on comparison screen
    • On matrix, have the housing picture listed first
    • Self learning is an option but our products don’t do it, so we don’t want to bring this out.
    • Can we list Noise insertion for our overseas clients to be able to see in the product comparison
    • We don’t have FM loop systems on our products, so we need to remove this.
    • The questions was asked if a provider can select a different frequency for batter indicators from the programming indicators (on Intellio). I did not know the answer and explained that it is not in the software currently.
Completed Actions
  • Next meeting: Feb 14, 2011, 2pm