This is an old revision of the document!

Software Development Meeting 2011-Jan-03

Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Paul
  • Barbara
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Software Review
  • Phone number in patient list
  • Instruments:
    • Review filters (product list)
    • Housing –> Shell/Case
    • Drag and drop for selection
  • Autofit
    • Arrow to show drag and drop (watermarked)
    • tooltips for each environment
    • sort list
    • unselect items (default)
    • Curves: show response curve number
    • Legend: remove Max from Max Mem. Add +Power. Remove External from Ext VC.
  • Fine Adj:
    • Eq: up/down thumbs.
    • Indicators: Enable (remove), Indicator (remove), Memory Button (instead of Switch)
    • Restyle Play Indicator radio buttons.
Completed Actions
  • Next meeting: Jan 17, 2011, 2pm