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Software Development Meeting 2010-Aug-30

Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Paul
  • Barbara
  • Steve
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Software Review
  • Data binding.
  • Database support.
  • Product libraries.
    • Circuit modules Test Application
  • Clarujust changes.
  • NOAHlink support.
Suggested Actions
  • Use dB steps for EQs and Gain, 0 to positive max (requested by Walter Whitney).
  • Re-centering EQs (Steve).
  • Fix low frequency bump issue (Steve), fixed.
  • PHSI: Implement 2 products:
    • Pluros Directional
    • Loon Directional
      • Transducer model: Mic = Knowles TD24610-000 (needs implementation)
      • Request transducer model numbers from Intricon, or generate these in-house.
  • Algorithms development.
    • Develop Super Controls, Acclimatization, Occlusion control (Steve/Barbara).
    • Review potential re-engineering of Solutions Guide options into Super Controls (Barbara).
Completed Actions
  • Next meeting: Sep 13, 2010, 2pm