This is an old revision of the document!

Software Development Meeting 2010-Aug-09

Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Paul
  • Diana
  • Terri
  • Alan
  • Glenn
  • Dale
  • Barbara
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Custom Branding
  • Get pricing break for Intuition 2 chip, to phase out product in favor of Intuition 2FC / 2ER (Paul).
  • Get Intuition 2 and Simplex 2P distribution list, to be used to determine how to phase out these products (Terri).
  • Get private label list matrix for Audiology and Software support (Siegwart).
  • Use Audina manufacturer ID on all instruments, but store custom brand code in scratch memory (AJ).
  • Provide branding software to automate the process in Production and QC (AJ).
  • For QC purposes, use separate machine for branding instruments, before following standard QC steps (Terri/Alan).
  • For handling repairs, use standard Order Entry machine, but separate software for reading instruments (Terri).
  • For Order Entry, route all orders (from different brands) to a single database (i.e. using custom ezFIT software configured to use same shared databased, to avoid having orders in separate databases) (Thai).
  • For support, provide single-day registration code to handle support calls that require fixing factory mistakes (AJ).
  • Deploy NOAHlink support in the next stable release (2 weeks time) (AJ).
  • Add a note in marketing material and software that BTEs from Intuition family cannot use NOAHlink with standard cables (Diana/AJ).
  • Review how many customers are ordering Intuition BTEs, to know the impact of this decision (Paul).
Custom Branding (Updated 2010-08-12)

Plan A: Global ManID

Implement a Global ManID (14). Implements a unique Local ID (in scratch memory).

  • Avoids cross reading with new software only.
  • Straight forward to implement and support.

Plan B: Unique ManID for Each Brand

Implement a unique ManID for each all custom brands (a single ManID shared with all custom brands).

  • Avoids cross reading any product with any software (if not a module account).
  • Cannot share DLLs with SoundDesign circuits, and both DLLs cannot coexist in the same machine. Requires to distribute an additional DLL for custom brands (an equivalent DLL which uses the custom brand ManID).
  • Requires custom software source code for every brand (including Audina).
  • Requires custom product list for every brand (including Audina).
  • Requires building branding software to set ManID (especially for Ethos circuit based products).
  • Requires requesting ManID from circuit supplier, or assign one internally (but then each custom brand must be calibrated, including BTEs, OTEs, and other stock products).

Plan C: Hybrid Approach

Implement Plan A (Global MainID) for future products (including Intellio). Implement Plan B (Unique ManID for each brand) for current products being manufactured (Intuition, Sparo, Flx, BTE 478P, etc.).

  • Stops cross reading for current products being shipped out of the factory.
  • Simplifies implementation of future products, especially it avoids the issue of multiple DLLs unable to coexist in the same machine.