This is an old revision of the document!

Software Development Meeting 2010-Aug-09

Notes relevant to ezFIT 5.0 Milestones.


  • Paul
  • Diana
  • Terri
  • Alan
  • Glenn
  • Dale
  • Barbara
  • Joel
  • AJ
  • Siegwart
Custom Branding
  • Get pricing break for Intuition 2 chip, to phase out product in favor of Intuition 2FC / 2ER (Paul).
  • Get Intuition 2 and Simplex 2P distribution list, to be used to determine how to phase out these products (Terri).
  • Get private label list matrix for Audiology and Software support (Siegwart).
  • Use Audina manufacturer ID on all instruments, but store custom brand code in scratch memory (AJ).
  • Provide branding software to automate the process in Production and QC (AJ).
  • For QC purposes, use separate machine for branding instruments, before following standard QC steps (Terri/Alan).
  • For handling repairs, use standard Order Entry machine, but separate software for reading instruments (Terri).
  • For Order Entry, route all orders (from different brands) to a single database (i.e. using custom ezFIT software configured to use same shared databased, to avoid having orders in separate databases) (Thai).
  • For support, provide single-day registration code to handle support calls that require fixing factory mistakes (AJ).
  • Deploy NOAHlink support in the next stable release (2 weeks time) (AJ).
  • Add a note in marketing material and software that BTEs from Intuition family cannot use NOAHlink with standard cables (Diana/AJ).
  • Review how many customers are ordering Intuition BTEs, to know the impact of this decision (Paul).
Custom Branding (Updated 2010-08-12)

Plan A: Global ManID

  • Implements Global ManID (14).
  • Implements unique Local ID (in scratch memory).
  • Avoids cross reading with new software only.
  • Straight forward to implement and support.

Plan B: Unique ManID for Each Brand

  • Implements unique ManID for each brand.
  • Avoids cross reading any product with any software (if not a module account).
  • Cannot share DLLs with SoundDesign circuits.
  • Requires custom software code for every brand (including Audina).
  • Requires custom product list for every brand (including Audina).
  • Requires building branding software to set ManID (especially for Ethos circuit based products).
  • Requires requesting ManID from circuit supplier, or assign one internally (but then each custom brand must be calibrated, including BTEs, OTEs, and other stock products).

Plan C: Hybrid Approach

  • Implement Plan A for future products (including Intellio), and implement Plan B for current products being manufactured (Intuition, Sparo, Flx, BTE 478P, etc.).
  • Stops cross reading for current products being shipped out of the factory.
  • Simplifies implementation of future products.