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ezfit:dev:software_meeting_2010-06-07 [2010/06/09 10:50]
ezfit:dev:software_meeting_2010-06-07 [2011/05/10 12:21] (current)
smayr [Software Development Meeting 2010-Jun-07]
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 == Software Development Meeting 2010-Jun-07 == == Software Development Meeting 2010-Jun-07 ==
-Notes relevant to [[ezfit:5.0 Milestones|ezFIT 5.0 Milestones]].+[[ezfit:software_meeting_notes|Software Meeting Notes]] relevant to [[ezfit:5.0 Milestones|ezFIT 5.0 Milestones]].
 Attendees: Attendees:
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   * Paul   * Paul
   * Barbara   * Barbara
 +  * Steve
   * Joel   * Joel
   * AJ   * AJ
-  * Steve 
   * Siegwart   * Siegwart
 == Software Review == == Software Review ==
-  * No log support, switching to diff components  +  * No datalog support
-  * Now there is audiogram support +  * Switching to different components (moving from Telerik to ComponeOne). 
-  * Walk through of sw aw it is at this time +  * Now there is audiogram support. 
-  * Paul likes the color change as mouse over+  * Walkthrough of software aw it is at this time. 
 +  * Paul likes the color change as mouse over.
   * Fitting screen eliminated the buttons and provided fast info.     * Fitting screen eliminated the buttons and provided fast info.  
 == Suggested Actions == == Suggested Actions ==
   * Products:   * Products:
-    * Filter by tabs for different styles +    * Filter by tabs for different styles. 
-    * Filter by technology/environment +    * Filter by technology/environment. 
-    * Extra tab with all the check boxes so that you can choose multiple styles and technology for filtering. On this tab would be fitting ranges overlayed with the audiogram to help with +    * Extra tab with all the check boxes so that you can choose multiple styles and technology for filtering.  
 +      * Product specs. 
 +      * Product image. 
 +      * Fitting ranges overlayed with the patient audiogram.
   * Fitting:    * Fitting: 
     * Quick Adjustments. These need to be fine tailored:     * Quick Adjustments. These need to be fine tailored:
- * Super controls +      * Super controls. 
-        * Adaptation manager +      * Adaptation manager. 
-        * Occlusion manager +      * Occlusion manager. 
-    * Gain/Equalizers: Come up with a way to demo both right and left.  These are not standard controls so they would probably have to be coded.+    * Gain/Equalizers: Come up with a way to demo both right and left.  These are not standard controlsso they would probably have to be coded
 +    * Link for memories needs a new term for same side memory link. Perhaps highlight the memories that you want to link. 
 +    * Curves:  
 +      * Right ear or left ear for fitting.  That is a fitting selection versus a display selection.     
 +      * Simultaneously display 2 different curves for the same ear. 
 +    * Get formulas for pure tone threshold average 2 and 3 freq to Sieg (Barbara action). 
 +    * Allow dumping of chart datapoints to compare with Verifit (for our purposes).
   * User Interface:   * User Interface:
-    * Get graphical interface going and then can craft it.  Marketing did the images and then these were put on for controls.  +    * Design graphical interfacethen add functionality to it.  It is possible for Marketing to create images, colors, and theme, then these can be added to the controls.  
       * Obtain screen shots from other manufacturers:       * Obtain screen shots from other manufacturers:
-        * Sebotek (Steve action).   +        * Sebotek (Steve & Marc action).   
-        * Mark was going to see about getting screen shots to show an example +        * Other manufacturers (Barbara & Paul action).
     * Use of icons for representing buttons.  Need coordination with marketing for overall look and feel (colors, etc).     * Use of icons for representing buttons.  Need coordination with marketing for overall look and feel (colors, etc).
-    * Scale back/remove pink change background to pink 
-  * Languages +  * To discuss: 
-    * Localization not for April 2011 release.  Scheduled for Dec 2011+    * Directional support:  how are we going to display polar plots, etc.  Thoughts:  put it so that it displays over current chart
-    * It is a fairly complex process  +    * Review options to handle all the compression data
-    * Tools will be built for the translation portion to be handled    +    * Clarujust access still in debate
-    * If localization is a top priority requirement, then we would need to address this issue.   +    * Solutions:  patient information acclimatization 
-    * How quickly would it be to implement it after that?  +      * Need to figure out the best implementation of acclimatization 
 +    * Review where to place factors that impact the fitting such as: 
 +      * Hearing aid configuration  
 +        * Dome type 
 +        * Tubing style 
 +      * Patient information 
 +        * Acclimatization level 
 +        * Pre-fitting information
-  * Skins +  * Graphing component: 
-    * Priority is set not for the April release.+    * Make data sets for graphing purposes(Steve action)   
 +    * Review graph splines support: (AJ action) 
 +      * Does it have what we need for displaying the graphs for the various product and components?
-  * Goal functionality and getting the first set of instruments on the release, but the in the design process these are being kept in mind.+== Completed Actions ==
-  * Link for memories need a new  term for same side memory linkPerhaps highlight the memories that you want to link+  * Fitting: 
 +    * Rename Autofit to First Fit?  --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10// 
 +    * If no information is in there when the provider goes to do an autofit, a box pops up to gather that information (which will populate back to that pre fitting info).  --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10//
-  * Curves:  +  * Graphing component
-    * Rigt ear or left ear for fitting.  That is a fitting selection versus a display selection    +    * Scaling.  Steve proposes to follow [[ezfit:ANSI:ANSI S3.22 Hearing Aid Test Standard]] (Section 6.1).
-    * Want to have a way to simultaneously display 2 different curves for the same ear.+
-  * Get formulates for puretone threshold average 2 and 3 freq to Sieg (Barbara action).+  * User Interface: 
 +    * Scale back/remove pink change background to pink --- //[[smayr@audina.net|Siegwart Mayr]] 2010/06/18 17:10//
-  * Clarujust summary data is complete.+  * Primary Priorities: 
 +    * Basic functionality for instrument fitting. 
 +    * Support for a subset of instruments: 
 +      * Flx 
 +      * Intellio 
 +      * Intuition 12 
 +      * Sparo 12 
 +  * Secondary Priorities: 
 +    * Support for additional products (need to review product list required). 
 +    * Support for Languages: 
 +      * Localization not for April 2011 release.  Scheduled for Dec 2011. 
 +      * It is a fairly complex process.   
 +      * Tools will be built for the translation portion to be handled.     
 +      * If localization is a top priority requirement, then we would need to address this issue.   
 +      * How quickly would it be to implement it after that?   
 +    * Support for Skins/Themes: 
 +      * Priority is set for the Dec 2011 release.
-  * Impedance:  B get graphs 
-  * Rename Autofit to First Fit? +== Conclusion ==
-  * Need to figure out the best implementation of acclimatization+
-  * Where do you put the hearing aid configuration and pt information factors that impact the fitting such as dome type, tubing style, etc. 
-  * Put on patient information section access to acclim level, pre fitting information. If no information is in there when the provider goes to do an autofit, a box pops up to gather that information (which will populate back to that pre fitting info). 
-  * Solutions:  patient information acclimatization 
-  * Do a dump of datapoints from the graphs  to compare with verifit ( for our purposes) 
-  * Directional support:  how are we going to display polar plots, etc.  thoughts:  put it so that it displays over current chart. 
-  * Look at options for ways to handle all the compression data. 
-  * Two things found for drag and drop.   
-  * Clarujust access  still in debate 
-  * AJ ACTION:  work with graph splines what is built in and does it have what we need for displaying the graphs for the various product and components. 
-  * Graphing component 
-    * Wish list regarding scaling and scrolling.  This is a steve consideration with regards to ANSI standards. 
-    * Steve:  ACTION:  make data sets for graphing purposes.   
-== Completed Actions == 
-== Conclusion == 
   * Next meeting: Jun 21, 2010, 2pm   * Next meeting: Jun 21, 2010, 2pm
   * Chart graphing = priority   * Chart graphing = priority