dB SPL/HL Conversion

<charter> title = dB HL vs. dB SPL size = 800×330 align = center bgcolor = #ffffff type = line dots = 3 XAxisName = Frequency (Hz) YAxisName = Sound Level (dB) legendEntries = Hearing Level (HL), Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Free Field labelSerie = 3

15, 9, 3, -3, -4, 8 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 </charter>

The calculation is based on the frequency the measurement was taken at.

Frequency (Hz) dB HL dB SPL FF
250 0 15
500 0 9
1000 0 3
2000 0 -3
4000 0 -4
8000 0 8

SPL = Sound Pressure Level Free Field HL = Hearing Level

HL is used for Audiogram representation. SPL is used for Target Curves representation. The HL chart has the Y-axis origin at the top left corner. The SPL chart has the Y-axis origin at the bottom left corner.


Audiogram dB HL vs. dB SPL

Audiogram using dB HL vs. dB SPL

Audiogram using HL

Target Curves using SPL

Sample Target Curves (thick dotted lines) and related Response Curves (thin continuous lines)

Source: ezFIT software