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ezfit:ark_datalogging_api [2008/06/29 15:45]
ajdavis Modified this to show both version 1.0 and 2.0 specs
ezfit:ark_datalogging_api [2008/06/29 16:22] (current)
Line 19: Line 19:
   * (2.0 only) Interval time, calculated with the following formula: (X + 1)*4.096   * (2.0 only) Interval time, calculated with the following formula: (X + 1)*4.096
   * Examples:<code csv>   * Examples:<code csv>
---Version 1.0-- +--Version 1.0--
 0,2,0,0,55 0,2,0,0,55
 0,3,0,0,76 0,3,0,0,76
Line 43: Line 43:
 249,9,0,-6,67,2 249,9,0,-6,67,2
 250,9,0,-6,61,0 250,9,0,-6,61,0
 . . . . . .
 20,9,0,-6,58,0 20,9,0,-6,58,0