This is an old revision of the document!

Private Label

Get private label information

  • Company Name.
  • Address.
  • Phone number, Email, Fax, Website.
  • Logo (PNG or JPG format). Place logo image file in <src>/ezFIT/images/custom/logos folder.
  • Product Names

Add image files to ezFIT project in MS Visual Studio:

  • <src>/ezFIT/images/custom/icons/icon-acme.ico
  • <src>/ezFIT/images/custom/logos/logo-acme.png
  • <src>/ezFIT/images/custom/logos/ezfit-logo-acme.png
  • <src>/ezFIT/images/custom/splash/splash-acme.png

Add Custom Company

  • Edit Types.cs in AHI.App.Types assembly. Add new company to TCustomCompany enum. Eg: Acme = 99
  • Edit AppCustomization.cs in AHI.App.Customization assembly. Add a new company in TCompanyInfoList.CreateDefaultList(). Eg:
    #region Company Acme Inc
      aCompany                = new TCompanyInfo();
      aCompany.Code           = TCustomCompany.Acme;
      aCompany.ManufacturerID = TManufacturerID.Audina;  // Audina manufacturer is used for Private Label
      aCompany.Name           = "Acme Inc.";
      aCompany.Address        = "Main St, SmallTown, FL 32000, USA";
      aCompany.Phone          = "1-888-HEARING";
      aCompany.Fax            = "";
      aCompany.Email          = "";
      aCompany.Website        = "";
      aCompany.Logo           = "images/custom/logos/logo-acme.png";
  • Edit AppCustomization.cs in AHI.App.Customization assembly. Add a new company in TCompanyAppInfoList.CreateDefaultList(). Eg:
    #region Company Acme Inc
      aCompany                = new TCompanyAppInfo();
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Code           = TCustomCompany.Acme;
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.ManufacturerID = TManufacturerID.Audina;  // Audina manufacturer is used for Private Label
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Name           = "Acme Inc.";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Address        = "Main St, SmallTown, FL 32000, USA";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Phone          = "1-888-HEARING";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Fax            = "";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Email          = "";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Website        = "";
      aCompany.CompanyInfo.Logo           = "images/custom/logos/logo-acme.png";
      SetAppInfo(aCompany, "AcmeEzFITApp");
  • Edit AppCustomization.cs in AHI.App.Customization assembly. Add a new company and software in TAppCustomization.SetAppInfo(). Eg:
        case TCustomCompany.Auditiva:     _Application.AppName = "fitPRO";  break;
        case TCustomCompany.Acme:         _Application.AppName = "AcmeEzFITApp"; break;
        default: _Application.AppName = "ezFIT"; break;
  • Edit AppCustomizationTest.cs in AHI.App.Customization assembly. Add a test cases handling new company and software.

Add Supported Products and their names

  • Edit file ProductSpecs.cs in AHI.Products.Specifications assembly.
  • Set product name in TProductSpecificationList.RefreshList(), under specified company for the required product.
  • #region Product BTE 675DP+
      _prod = new TProductSpecification();
      . . .
      case TCustomCompany.Acme:
          _prod.Name = "Acme BTE";
      . . .

Add Supported Housings

  • Edit file HousingSpecs.cs in AHI.Products.Specifications assembly.
  • Under each housing in THousingSpecificationList.RefreshList(), specify the IsVisible property for the specified company.
  • #region Housing: BTE_Classic
      _Housing= new THousingSpecification();
      . . .
      case TCustomCompany.Acme:
          _Housing.IsVisible = true;
      . . .

Custom Splash and Icon Images

  • Add Splash and Icon image resources to AHI.App.Logo assembly.
  • Add Splash (BMP) and icons (ICO) images to C:\programming\audina\ezFIT5\src\AHI.App.Logo\images.
  • Edit file LogoRes.rc:
    // 1. Compile resource file LogoRes.rc into LogoRes.res 
    //    using the Visual Studio Command Prompt:
    //    - VS2010: Start > All Applications > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010).
    //    - VS2013: Start > All Applications > Visual Studio 2013 > Visual Studio Tools > Developer Command Prompt for VS2013.
    //    - VS2015: Start > All Applications > Visual Studio 2015 > Visual Studio Tools > Developer Command Prompt for VS2015.
    //    Eg: C:\> RC <src>\AHI.App.Logo\LogoRes.rc  (or C:> <src>\AHI.App.Logo\compile-resources.bat)
    // 2. Add res file to assembly. Project > Properties > Application (tab) > Resource File, and select LogoRes.res.
    // 3. Build assembly.
    LOGO001      BITMAP "images/logo16.bmp"
    LOGO002      BITMAP "images/logo256.bmp"
    // Must in Alphabetical order
    SPLASH_AUDINA         BITMAP "images\splash-audina.bmp"
    SPLASH_ACME           BITMAP "images\splash-acme.bmp"
    // Must in Alphabetical order
    ICON_AUDINA           ICON "images\icon-audina.ico"  // icon index 0
    ICON_ACME             ICON "images\icon-acme.ico"    // icon index 1
    // Order numerically, and strings in Alphabetical order
      1001, "Audina ezFIT"
      1002, "Acme ezFIT"

    Make sue AppIconIdx matches the icon index in <src>/installer/installer-ezfit.iss

Generate Logo assembly:

  • Compile resource file LogoRes.rc into LogoRes.res using the Visual Studio Command Prompt. In VS2015: Start > All Applications > Visual Studio 2015 > Visual Studio Tools > Developer Command Prompt for VS2015. Eg: C:\> RC <src>\AHI.App.Logo\LogoRes.rc (or C:> <src>\AHI.App.Logo\compile-resources.bat)
  • Add res file to assembly. Project > Properties > Application (tab) > Resource File, and select LogoRes.res.
  • Build assembly.

Get Encoded Company Code

  • Use utility <src>/EncodeUtil/bin/Debug/EncodeUtil.exe. Eg: Acme, when encrypted becomes McFQ/ZiAWwo=.
  • Add encoded company custom code to installer in <src>/installer/installer-ezfit.iss:
    #if AppCustomOrg == "Audina"
    #elif AppCustomOrg == "Acme"
      #define AppTitle     "Acme ezFIT"
      #define AppPath      "Acme\ezFIT5"
      #define AppGroup     "Acme ezFIT " + AppVersion
      #define AppIconIdx   14
      #define AppPublisherName    "Acme"
      #define AppPublisherWebsite ""
      #define AppRegKey "Software\Audina Hearing Instruments\ezFIT\5.0\Setup"
      #define AppDestName "acmeezfitapp"
      #define AppCustomCode "McFQ/ZiAWwo="

    Make sue AppIconIdx matches the icon index in <src>\src\AHI.App.Logo\LogoRes.rc

Add Custom Spec Sheets

  • Place custom PDF documents in <src>\ezFIT\Products\Catalog\<CompanyName>
  • In installer, add support to product catalog:
    ; Product Catalog
    #if AppCustomOrg == "Acme"
    Source: ..\ezFIT\Products\Catalog\{#AppCustomOrg}\*.pdf; DestDir: {app}\Products\Catalog; Flags: ignoreversion
    Source: {#SrcAppDir}\Products\Catalog\*.pdf; DestDir: {app}\Products\Catalog; Flags: ignoreversion

Installer Customizations

Add software installer customizations

  • Disable ezFIT 4 support if not required (both, in app and installer).
  • #if AppCustomOrg == "Acme"
    ; Do not install ezFIT4
    Filename: {tmp}\{#AppDestName}4-setup-{#AppCustomOrg}.exe; ...

Create Custom User Documentation

  • Create necessary files in C:\programming\audina\ezFIT5\src\UserDoc\custom.
    • acme.cfg (edit as necessary)
    • acme-header.html
    • acme-footer.html
    • images\splash-acme.png
  • Edit product software requirements matrix in <src>\UserDoc\104-hi-swrequirementmatrix.txt.
  • Edit Sparo conditional references (i.e, if supported by private label) in
    • <src>\UserDoc\200-howto.txt.
    • <src>\UserDoc\202-sparo.txt
  • Create end-user license in C:\programming\audina\ezFIT5\src\installer\license\license-Acme.txt.

Create Custom CD-ROM Image

Create custom Autorun:

  • Edit logo and application installation instructions in <src>\Autorun\main.pas.
  • Recompile Lazarus project <src>\Autorun\Autorun.lpi.
  • Copy Autorun.exe to CD Image folder.

Create CD Image folder in C:\programming\audina\ezFIT5\src\cdimg. Eg:

  • Acme\drivers\
    • EMiniTec-2.08.24-2012-Drivers.exe
    • HIPRO-4.0.0-2012-Drivers.exe
    • NOAHlink-01.56.05-2013-Drivers.exe
    • ProgBox-Drivers-setup-2014-0311.exe
  • Acme\installers\
    • acmeezfitapp5-setup.exe
    • FBserver-setup.exe
  • Acme\Autorun.exe
  • Acme\favicon.ico

Custom Build

  • Create NAnt-Gui script to build custom application. Eg: <src>/installer/

Custom AutoUpdate

Create AutoUpdate files in webserver (located in \\webserver\website\downloads\ezfit, URL

  • acmeezfitapp-Acme-2014-AutoUpdater.xml
  • acmeezfitapp-Acme-2014-ReleaseNotes.htm
  • acmeezfitapp-Acme-2014-latest.exe

Publishing Scripts

  • Add references to software installer in /root/ in web server:
    ## script: ./
    # Description: Update latest ezFIT installer
    # Usage:
    #   Format:
    #     Current date:    % ./
    #     Arbitrary date:  % ./ [YYYY-MMDD]
    #            YYYY - Year (4 digits).
    #            MM   - Month (always 2 digits, including leading zero if necessary).
    #            DD   - Day of month (always 2 digitis, including leading zero if necessary).
    #   Example: % ./ 2014-0422
    # User Defined Variables
    # Define Target Organizations
    TARGETORG=( "Audina" "Auditiva" "iEar" "MDHearingAid" "Acme" )
    # Define Target Directory
    # Time Stamp (formatted as SYSDATESTAMP="2013-0117")
    SYSDATESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m%d)
    SYSDATEYEAR=$(date +%Y)
    # Use command line argument to override variables
    if [ -n "$1" ]
      echo "Current version $SYSDATESTAMP will be ovewritten with $1"
    # Try to create TargetDir if it does not exist
    if ! cd $TARGETDIR; then
      mkdir $TARGETDIR
    while [ $idx -lt $totalOrg ]; do
      #echo "Processing company $ORG"
      # Perform operations if TargetDir exists
      if cd $TARGETDIR; then
        # Link current ezfit installer to ezfit-latest.exe
        rm ezfit-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
        ln -s ezfit-setup-$ORG-$SYSDATESTAMP.exe ezfit-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
        echo "Success linking version $SYSDATESTAMP to ezfit-setup-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe"
        echo "Failed to link version $SYSDATESTAMP to ezfit-ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe"
      let idx=idx+1
    # GetDate
    function GetDate()
       SYSDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
    # GetDateTime
    function GetDateTime()
       SYSDATETIME=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
    # GetDateStamp
    function GetDateStamp()
       SYSDATESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m%d)
    # GetDate
    function GetYear()
      SYSDATEYEAR=$(date +%Y)
    # DisplayDate
    function DisplayDate()
       if [ ! -z $SYSDATE ]; then
          echo $SYSDATE
          echo "SYSDATE not defined.  Define using GetDate()"
  • Add references to software installer in /root/ in web server:
    ## script: ./
    # Description: Publish ezFIT installer to AutoUpdate website
    # Usage:
    #   Format:
    #     Current date:    % ./
    #     Arbitrary date:  % ./ [YYYY-MMDD]
    #            YYYY - Year (4 digits).
    #            MM   - Month (always 2 digits, including leading zero if necessary).
    #            DD   - Day of month (always 2 digitis, including leading zero if necessary).
    #   Example: % ./ 2014-0422
    # User Defined Variables
    TARGETORG=( "Audina" "Auditiva" "iEar" "MDHearingAid" "Acme" )
    TARGETAPP=( "ezfit" "fitpro" "accufit" "mdtune" "acmefitapp )
    SYSDATESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m%d)
    SYSDATEYEAR=$(date +%Y)
    # Use command line argument to override variables
    if [ -n "$1" ]
      echo "Current version $SYSDATESTAMP will be ovewritten with $1"
    # Try to create TargetDir if it does not exist
    if ! cd $TARGETDIR; then
      mkdir $TARGETDIR
    while [ $idx -lt $totalOrg ]; do
      #echo "Processing company $ORG and app $APP"
      # Perform operations if TargetDir exists
      if cd $TARGETDIR; then
        # Link current ezfit installer to ezfit-latest.exe
        rm $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
        echo "Copying from $SOURCEDIR to $TARGETDIR . . ."
        #ln -s $1 ezfit-setup-2012-latest.exe
        if [ -n "$1" ]; then
          cp $SOURCEDIR/ezfit-setup-$ORG-$SYSDATESTAMP.exe $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
          cp $SOURCEDIR/ezfit-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
        chown www-data:web $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe
        echo "Success copying version $SYSDATEYEAR to $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe"
        echo "Failed to link version $SYSDATEYEAR to $APP-$ORG-$SYSDATEYEAR-latest.exe"
      let idx=idx+1
    # GetDate
    function GetDate()
       SYSDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
    # GetDateTime
    function GetDateTime()
       SYSDATETIME=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
    # GetDateStamp
    function GetDateStamp()
       SYSDATESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m%d)
    # GetDate
    function GetYear()
      SYSDATEYEAR=$(date +%Y)
    # DisplayDate
    function DisplayDate()
       if [ ! -z $SYSDATE ]; then
          echo $SYSDATE
          echo "SYSDATE not defined.  Define using GetDate()"
Private Brand
  • Same steps as Private Label software, except the following field:
    aCompany.ManufacturerID = TManufacturerID.Custom // Custom manufacturer is used for Private Brand