This is an old revision of the document!

Building ezFIT 5.0
  • Edit application Version and Build Number:
    • <src>\AHI.App.Customization\AppCustomization.cs:
          public class TAppInfo
              #region Constants
              /// Constants
              private const int VERSIONMAJOR  = 5;
              private const int VERSIONMINOR  = 0;
              private const int VERSIONPUBLIC = 2013;
              private const int VERSIONBUILD  = 0305;
              . . .
    • <src>\installer\installer-ezfit.iss:
      #define AppVersion     "2013"
      #define AppBuild       "0304"
      #define AppBuild_ezFIT4_Packed "4.3020130201"  
  • Edit Release Notes (<src>\UserDoc\105-releasenotes.txt):
    @AppName 2013 (03-05)
    - Fixed: Some buggy feature...
  • Build ezFIT 4 in Delphi (if required only).
    • Build project with FinalBuilder, then copy installer to <src>\cdimg\audina\installers\ezfit4-setup.exe. Eg:
      C:\> COPY /y "N:\Software Installation Backup\Audina ezFIT 4.x\ezfit4-setup.exe"   .\Audina\Installers\ezfit4-setup.exe
      C:\> COPY /y "N:\Software Installation Backup\Auditiva ezFIT 4.x\fitpro-setup.exe" .\Auditiva\Installers\fitpro4-setup.exe
    • Edit <src>\installer\installer-ezfit.iss to include the correct ezFIT4 build number requirement:
      #define AppBuild_ezFIT4_Packed "4.3020130201"  
  • Build ezFIT 5 in Visual Studio 2010.
    • Select ezFIT project, right-click and Build.
  • Run the following scripts:
    • <src>\installer\build-app-audina.bat

Publishing a Development Release

  • Copy generated installer and ISO image to webserver:
    C:\>COPY <src>\installer\output\ezfit-setup-Audina-2013-0304.exe \\WEBSERVER\website\downloads\prototypes
    C:\>COPY C:\cdimg\ezfit5-audina-2013-0304.CDROM.ISO \\WEBSERVER\website\downloads\prototypes

Publishing a Stable Release

  • ssh into and run script ~root/
    # ./
  • Copy the stable installer to Basically connect to webserver and copy files to /var/www/downloads/ezfit.
    • For Audina: ezfit-Audina-2013-latest.exe
    • For Auditiva: fitpro-Auditiva-2013-latest.exe
  • Edit AutoUpdate file to include new build number:
    • For Audina: ezfit-Audina-2013-AutoUpdater.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <title>Audina ezFIT 2013</title>
    • For Auditiva: fitpro-Auditiva-2013-AutoUpdater.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <title>Auditiva fitPRO 2013</title>