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Server Backups

New Backup Method

All servers are now virtualized. See more information here. We replicate all virtual machines to a secondary VM host using Nakivo Backup & Replication.

Nakivo has a web interface for configuring jobs. It can be accessed at by using the typical administrator password.

Our license file can be found here or at \\server20081\Documents and Software\Software Installation Backup\Nakivo\PRO v5.0.0 license for 'Audina;Andrew Davis;;' (1360550665749790679).license

A backup of the Nakico configuration can be found here.

Exchange Server (replaced by Office 365 subscription)

Daily Routine

Verify Backups by following these steps:

  • Connect to EXCHANGE server using Remote Desktop Connection (Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications).
    • Select computer “EXCHANGE”.
    • Login as Administrator (using domain credentials).
  • Run “Symantec Backup Exec” (Start > Programs > Symantec Backup Exec for Windows > Backup Exec 11d for Windows).
  • Check that daily backups were performed (should have a checkmark beside the daily entry).

Weekly Routine

  • Change hard drives for daily backups. This requires swapping HDD units BUD1 and BUD2 (Backup Unit Drive). Perform every Friday.

File and Database Servers

  • Connect to server RAS (Start > Run As: \\NAS). Login as a regular user (using domain credentials) or Administrator.
  • Open \\NAS\Backup share to verify that daily backups where performed for CRMServer (OnContact server), Fileserver (main file server), Infuserv (Infusion server).
  • Use MS Backup to restore (or create new backups).

WWW Server (Main Website)

Linux Bash script located in /etc/cron.daily to backup files daily:

## removes old backup file
#rm -rf /data/backup/*
## backup the following directories:
rm -f /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail
rm -f /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz /home
rm -f /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz /var/www/html
rm -f /data/backup/mysql-data.backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql
rm -f /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc
## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
#mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"

SWDEV Server

Linux Bash script located in /etc/cron.daily to backup files daily:

## removes old backup file
#rm -rf /data/backup/*
## backup the following directories:
rm -f /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail
rm -f /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz /home
rm -f /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz /var/www/html
rm -f /data/backup/mysql-data.backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql
rm -f /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc
rm -f /data/backup/projrepos.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/projrepos.tar.gz /data/repos
## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
#mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"

Directories to Backup

Resource Path Backup Incidence Description
Website, Config & Database Backup \\WWW\data\backup Daily Website, system configuration and database backups (tar & gzipped).
Subversion Repositories \\SWDEV\data\repos Daily All software development projects' source control versioning resides here.
Config & Database Backup \\SWDEV\data\backup Daily System configuration and database backups (tar & gzipped).
File Repositories \\SWDEV\installers, \\SWDEV\programming, \\SWDEV\pub Weekly File repositories with software development tools.

Synchronizing Backups with SyncBack

Download SyncBack from

Create a backup profile like this: SyncBack: Creating a sync backup profile.