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Server Backups

Exchange Server

Daily Routine

Verify Backups by following these steps:

  • Connect to EXCHANGE server using Remote Desktop Connection (Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications).
    • Select computer “EXCHANGE”.
    • Login as Administrator (using domain credentials).
  • Run “Symantec Backup Exec” (Start > Programs > Symantec Backup Exec for Windows > Backup Exec 11d for Windows).
  • Check that daily backups were performed (should have a checkmark beside the daily entry).

Weekly Routine

  • Change hard drives for daily backups. This requires swapping HDD units BUD1 and BUD2 (Backup Unit Drive). Perform every Friday.

File and Database Servers

  • Connect to server RAS (Start > Run As: \\NAS). Login as a regular user (using domain credentials) or Administrator.
  • Open \\NAS\Backup share to verify that daily backups where performed for CRMServer (OnContact server), Fileserver (main file server), Infuserv (Infusion server).
  • Use MS Backup to restore (or create new backups).

WWW Server (Main Website)

Linux Bash script located in /etc/cron.daily to backup files daily:

## removes old backup file
#rm -rf /data/backup/*
## backup the following directories:
rm -f /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail
rm -f /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz /home
rm -f /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz /var/www/html
rm -f /data/backup/mysql-data.backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql
rm -f /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc
## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
#mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"

SWDEV Server

Linux Bash script located in /etc/cron.daily to backup files daily:

## removes old backup file
#rm -rf /data/backup/*
## backup the following directories:
rm -f /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail
rm -f /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/home-backup.tar.gz /home
rm -f /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/website-backup.tar.gz /var/www/html
rm -f /data/backup/mysql-data.backup.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql
rm -f /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc
rm -f /data/backup/projrepos.tar.gz
tar -czvf /data/backup/projrepos.tar.gz /data/repos
## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server.
#mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server"

Directories to Backup

Resource Path Backup Incidence Description
Subversion Repositories \\SWDEV\data\repos Daily All software development projects' source control versioning resides here.
Config & Database Backup \\SWDEV\data\backup Daily System configuration and database backups (tar & gzipped).
File Repositories \\SWDEV\installers, \\SWDEV\programming, \\SWDEV\pub Weekly File repositories with software development tools.