WordPress Setup & Configuration
Move Site

Using the Admin Panel:

Alternatively, you can change the WordPress database entries like this:

In phpMyAdmin, you can edit the WordPress database as follows:

Table wp-options
option_name option_value
siteurl http://www.example.com/wordpress
home http://www.example.com/wordpress
fileupload_url Edit as needed (if this exists)
<themename>_theme_options Edit as needed
_menu_item_url Several entries that need editing


Manually Remove Date from WordPress post and pages

Comment out any references to get_the_date() and get_the_time():

&lt;?php echo get_the_date(); ?&gt;
&lt;?php echo get_the_time(); ?&gt;

Edit the following theme pages (in <wordpress>/wp-content/themes/<activetheme>) to remove date/time entries in posts or pages:


Installed Plugins
Multisite Configuration
Update Content

Login to <sitedomain>/en/wp-admin/ to update the content: