Chat: Pidgin / Prosody IM / Openfire Server
Openfire Administration

Renewing Certificate

It may seem counterintuitive but in order to see the interface to automatically generate a self-signed certificate in Openfire you first must delete the old certificate. See the image below for an example of the interface you'll see after deleting the old certificate.

Prosody Administration

Creating accounts

  1. Use the Pidgin Account menu ad hoc server commands.
  2. At the server console:
    prosodyctl register <username> <password>

Note: Each account should also be added to the “All users” group in the group file at /etc/prosody/groups.txt

Removing accounts

To remove accounts, at the console type:

prosodyctl deluser <username>

Other Prosody information

To restart the service, at the console type:

prosodyctl restart

User account information is stored in /var/lib/prosody/audina%2enet/accounts

Client Software

Pidgin Client

Add user account: Accounts > Manage Accounts (< ctrl > + A). Enter the following settings: