AutoHotkey Examples

Download and run as a portable app:

REM --- Run as Default User ---
C:\apps\AutoHotkey> AutoHotkeyU64.exe .\scripts\AutoHotkey.ahk

Some applications require that AutoHotkey runs as admin before getting full access to the target application window:

REM --- Run as Admin ---
C:\apps\AutoHotkey> RUNAS /PROFILE /USER:administrator "AutoHotkeyU64.exe .\scripts\AutoHotkey.ahk"


Using ControlClick:

ControlClick, x300 y15, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe           ; coordinates relative to client
ControlClick, x310 y65, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA    ; coordinates relative to Window
ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x300 y15   ; coordinates relative to Client
; Check for errors (i.e. it's not blank or zero.)
if ErrorLevel  {
    MsgBox, The ControlClick failed.
} else {
    MsgBox, The ControlClick succeeded.

Using mouse clicks:

; Click method:
Click 310, 65               ; coordinates relative to Window
; MouseClick method:
MouseClick, left, 310, 65   ; coordinates relative to Window

Using menu clicks:

Menu, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x300 y15   ; coordinates relative to client


Send, {LAlt}e               ; menu: <alt>E - Edit
Send, {LAlt down}e{LAlt up} ; menu: <alt>E - Edit
; Ctrl-C to copy using Send
SetKeyDelay, 500, 500       ; delay after each keystroke sent by Send and ControlSend
Send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up} ; Copy using send
; Ctrl-C to copy using SendInput
SendInput {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}   
; Ctrl-C to copy using ControlSend
ControlSend, , {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}, ahk_exe myapp.exe  

Messages or Dialogs

Send a message with MsgBox:

; Format:
;   MsgBox, Text
;   MsgBox [, Options, Title, Text, Timeout]
MsgBox, 4, "Yes/No", "Do you want to continue?", 5   ; Yes/No dialog with 5 sec timeout
IfMsgBox No {
; Show mouse coordinates
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
MsgBox The current mouse cursor position is X%MouseX% Y%MouseY%.

Send a message with SplashTextOn:

; Format: 
;    SplashTextOn [, Width, Height, Title, Text]
SplashTextOn, , , Displays only a title bar.
Sleep, 2000
SplashTextOn, 400, 300, Clipboard, The clipboard contains:`n%clipboard%
WinMove, Clipboard, , 0, 0    ; Move the splash window to the top left corner.
MsgBox, Press OK to dismiss the SplashText

Send a messag with ToolTip:

ToolTip, Hello World!!!, 100, 15    ; display ToolTip
Sleep, 5000                         ; pause program execution for 5 secs
ToolTip, , 100, 15                  ; clear ToolTip

Run Application

Running an application:

Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\es32-Bosanova\EmuApp32.exe

Adding a delay:

sleep, 500    ; 1/2 second delay

Check if window is active:

if WinExist("ahk_exe notepad.exe") {    ; Select window NOTEPAD
    WinActivate      ; use the window found above
    ; Display window name
    WinGet, OutputVar, ProcessName
    MsgBox, %OutputVar%
    ; Retrieve which control of the target window has input focus, if any.
    ControlGetFocus, OutputVar
    MsgBox, %OutputVar%
Example Script

Create a script AutoHotkey.ahk:

; Main loop
^j::  ; Control+J hotkey
^!m::  ; Control+Alt+M hotkey.
^!z::  ; Control+Alt+Z hotkey.
; Get order data from System36
    if WinExist("ahk_exe emuapp32.exe") { ; Select window ES32 Emulator
        WinActivate      ; use the window found above
        ; --- Select All (using Mouse clicks on menu) --- 
        ; MouseClick, left, 55, 40    ; Menu: Edit
        ; MouseClick, left, 100, 140  ; Menu: Edit > Select All
        ; MouseClick, left, 55, 40    ; Menu: Edit
        ; MouseClick, left, 90, 65    ; Menu: Edit > Copy
    ;    Sleep, 500
    ;    ;Send, {LAlt}e               ; menu: <alt>E - Edit
    ;    ;Send, {LAlt down}e{LAlt up} ; menu: <alt>E - Edit
    ;    ;Sleep, 1000
    ;    ;Send, e                     ; menu: <alt>E - Edit
    ;    ;Sleep, 1000
    ;    ;Send, s                     ; menu option: Select All
    ;    ; SetKeyDelay, 500, 500      ; delay after each keystroke sent by Send and ControlSend
    ;    ;Send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}       ; Copy using send
    ;    ;SendInput {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}   ; Copy using SendInput
        ; --- Select All (using click on toolbar) ---
        SetControlDelay, 0   ; smallest possible delay
        ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x300 y15   ; coordinates relative to client
        Sleep, 500
        if ErrorLevel  { ; i.e. it's not blank or zero.
            ;MsgBox, The ControlClick for ToolbarWindow322 ... 'Select All' failed.
            ToolTip, The ControlClick for ToolbarWindow322 ... 'Select All' failed., 100, 15
        } else {
            ;MsgBox, The ControlClick for ToolbarWindow322 ... 'Select All' succeeded.
            ToolTip, The ControlClick for ToolbarWindow322 ... 'Select All' succeeded., 100, 15
        ; ;Click 310, 66
        ; MouseClick, left, 310, 65
        Sleep, 500
        ToolTip, , 100, 15  ; clear ToolTip
        ;Menu, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x300 y15   ; coordinates relative to client
        ; --- Copy to Clipboard (using click on toolbar) ---
        ; ;ControlClick, x325 y15, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe   ; client
        ;ControlClick, x335 y70, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA    ; coordinates relative to client
        ;ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, Click, 1, 
        ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x230 y15   ; coordinates relative to client
        ; ;Click 335, 15
        ; MouseClick, left, 335, 15
        Sleep, 500
        ; ;ControlSend, , {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe  
        ; --- Copy to Clipboard (using Keyboard) ---
        ; --- Clear Selection (using click on toolbar) ---
        ;ControlClick, ToolbarWindow322, ahk_exe emuapp32.exe,,,, NA x325 y15   ; coordinates relative to client
        ; --- Paste from Clipboard ---
    } else {
        ;MsgBox, Unable to open EmuApp32.exe
        Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\es32-Bosanova\EmuApp32.exe
; Get a new tab in Notepad++ editor
    if WinExist("ahk_exe notepad++.exe") {  ; Select window ES32 Emulator
        WinActivate      ; use the window found above
        ; Display window name
        ;WinGet, OutputVar, ProcessName
        ;MsgBox, %OutputVar%
        ; Call File > New (using Mouse)
        ;MouseClick, left, 25, 45    ; Menu: File
        ;MouseClick, left, 45, 65    ; Menu: New
        ; Call File > New (using Keyboard)
        SendInput {ctrl down}n{ctrl up}    ; new tab (ctrl-N)
    } else {
        OutputVar := "Not able to find Notepad++"
        MsgBox, %OutputVar% 
; Empty clipboard
    clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
; Copy data to clipboard
    ;Send, ^c
    Send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}
    ClipWait, 2
    if ErrorLevel {
        MsgBox, The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed (error %ErrorLevel%).
    MsgBox, clipboard = %clipboard%
; Paste data from clipboard
    ;if WinExist("Untitled - Notepad") {   ; Select window using win name
    if WinExist("ahk_exe notepad.exe") {   ; Select window using app exe
        WinActivate ; use the window found above
        MsgBox Found Notepad
    } else {
        Run, Notepad.exe
        MsgBox Running Notepad
    Sleep, 500
    ;Send, %clipboard%.
    ;SendInput, {ctrl down}v{ctrl up}
    Send, {ctrl down}v{ctrl up}
; Get and display mouse click coordinates
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    ;PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY%
    ;MsgBox The color at the current cursor position is %color%.
    MsgBox The current mouse cursor position is X%MouseX% Y%MouseY%.