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Shipping Procedures
Domestic Shipping via FedEx


Enter Customer Reference (use Invoice Number as reference)

Multi-piece Shipment

Setup the Recipient information as usual. Then add the Number of Packages in “Package and Shipment Details”.

Then click on the “Multiple-piece Shipment” button next to the “Ship” button (bottom right of screen).

In Shipment Information, select one:

Collect-on-Delivery (COD)

Fill Recipient information as normal. Then:

This generates at least 2 labels,

Some variations to note:

International Shipping via FedEx

FedEx information in case they need to be contacted:


Under Recipient Information, enter or select Account Number (called Recipient ID). Eg: EXMX81-0002

Select Sender (under Sender Information) to be SENDER0903286 - Shipping Department or BLANK (if no company name required, just the address):

Under “Package and Shipment Details”, enter package weight and dimensions (if using “1 - Your Packaging”). NOTE: It is important to select “Your Packaging” for international shipments. You cannot use FedEx Pak with international shipments. You will get error: “The customs value has exceeded the limit of 100.”

Under “Package and Shipment Details”, enter Ship Date, and Total Carriage Value (for insurance).

Shipping Alert

Add customer's email address to ShipAlert so they can get a tracking number and updates during shipping. Optionally, also add email for shipping department or export manager, so they can convey information to customer.


Add a commodity. These harmonized codes are based on the US ITC Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

Pick a commodity ID that is applicable. For example:

Commodity ID Harmonized Code Description
HA 9021.40.0000 Hearing Aids
HAP 9021.90.4040 Hearing Aids / Parts / Accessories
Other For other commodity HTS Codes, search online:

If necessary, add all necessary commodities listed on the invoice.


Select appropriate options:

Fedex Generated EEI (Optional)

Alternatively, you can generate the Electronic Export Information (EEI) through FedEx (for a fee, typically $10). Set the following:

Shipment Data

Enter Shipment Data. Important fields are:


Set these important fields:

ACE (AESDirect) Export Filing to obtain EEI (ITN Number)

Visit: ACE (AESDirect) Export Filing to obtain EEI (ITN Number)

FDA Import/Export Information

Visit: Export Information

Letterhead Margins for Official Documents
EXMA01 (Karim) Packaging