ezHIT Software Wish List

Following are the wanted features in ezHIT (per Engineering), in order of execution:


  1. Pre-calibrate Intricon 91839-0009 hybrids in-house with Audina Test Program .pgm download (using Slider) prior to outsourcing for flex PCB (printed circuit board) reflow process. Memory contents:
    • Program 1 (P1): Omni (Front) Microphone.
    • Program 2 (P2): Rear Microphone.
    • Program 3 (P3): Telecoil (phone).
    • Program 4 (P4): Omni Mic + DAI Telecoil.
    • Performance Parameters to follow ANSI 3.22 Standard, additional parameters/variations TBD.

Setup for Testing

  1. Open Audina ezHIT software.
  2. Connect assembled final BTE device to Audina Y-programming cable.
  3. Configure Model & Style fields accordingly.
  4. Enter device Serial Number.
  5. Place BTE device and orientate correctly in Frye sound box. Test position to accommodate directional mic calibration with device on side and both microphone openings equally facing output source. Close lid and secure latch.

Instrument Testing

  1. Initiate ezHIT test program sequence.
  2. Load and program hearing instrument ANSI Test Settings (pre-calibration) into device (if different from processor chip download, TBD).
  3. Run Feedback Test:
    • Measure 900 Hz (Peak Gain) Full On Gain, adjust “floating” Peak Gain dB level to spec.
    • Load Feedback Gain.
    • Run Feedback curve capture. Compare to template range. If PASS, continue to next test, If FAIL, give error message and prompt for operator for action.
  4. Run Directional Mic Calibration:
    • Restore Full On Gain.
    • Run Directional Mic calibration beginning on Rear mic (65dB SPL sweep w/o Harmonic distortion measurement active).
    • Run Directional Mic calibration on Front mic (65dB SPL sweep w/o Harmonic distortion measurement active).
    • If within calibration factor (3.0dB), adjust Preamp 1 or & Preamp2 settings accordingly to achieve correct mic calibration value. If out of limits, prompt FAIL message(display error code).
  5. Run ANSI 1996 Test:
    • Measure 0SPL90 at MPO frequency, compare to test limits, decide PASS or FAIL (display Error code).
    • Run and display 0SPL90 sweep curve.
    • Measure HFA FOG.
    • Adjust device to Reference Test Gain (RTG) setting.
    • Measure RTG. Compare to test limits, PASS or FAIL (display Error code).
    • Run and display RTG Frequency Curve at 50dB input.
    • Run Harmonic Distortion tests at 500Hz, 800Hz and 1.6kHz. Compare to test limits, PASS or FAIL (display error code).
    • Run I/O Curve test. Compare to test limits, PASS or FAIL (display error code).
    • Measure Equivalent Input Noise (EIN), compare to test limits, PASS or FAIL (display error code).
    • Measure Battery Drain, compare to test limits, PASS of FAIL (display error code).
    • Switch to Memory 3 (P3) load for Telecoil (phone) test.
    • Run and display Telecoil (phone) frequency sweep, PASS or FAIL (display error code).
    • Display Telecoil HFA SPLITS and ANSI STS measurements, PASS or FAIL (display error code).
  6. Load Audina Shipping Program .pgm download. Memory contents:
    • Program 1 (P1): Omni (Front) Microphone.
    • Program 2 (P2): Adaptive Cardiod directional.
    • Program 3 (P3): Telecoil.
    • Program 4 (P4): Fixed Cardiod Directional or DAI Telecoil (Loop system) depending on customer requested option.
    • Additional parameters/variations TBD.
  7. Perform the standard BTE visual and listening check to device to confirm proper operation.
  8. Prompt for next test device Serial Number, and begin test.
Features to Add