Changed approach in dealing with custom branding since previous meeting. Implementing custom branding using Plan C. This will potentially delay the launch of PHSI brand on Sep 1st, 2010.
Preliminary NOAH 3.0 support.
Product libraries
Getting ready to adding libraries in ezFIT 5 prototype (Joel).
Suggested Actions
Custom Branding: PHSI:
Products: Flx with different housing.
Obtain transducer models. (Paul)
Perform transducer modeling for this special housing (Engineering/Audiology).
NOAHlink support.
Currently not supporting Intuition BTEs (old BTE housing) due to shorted pins (communication port).
Require special cables or an adapter for BTEs.
Approach Intricon to possibly modify products to work with NOAHlink.
Get SDK documentation for Steve to review wiring diagrams. (AJ)
Algorithms development.
Develop Super Controls, Acclimatization, Occlusion control (Steve/Barbara).
Review potential re-engineering of Solutions Guide options into Super Controls (Barbara).
Clarujust now using API 1.27.
Provide ezFIT 4 build to include NOAHlink drivers for Audigence to test (Siegwart).
Completed Actions
Clarujust now using API 1.27 (20100817). — Siegwart Mayr 2010/08/17 17:01
Provide ezFIT 4 build to include NOAHlink drivers for Audigence to test (Siegwart). — Siegwart Mayr 2010/08/17 17:01
Custom Brand: PHSI Transducers: — Paul Bryant 2010/08/18 17:01