Table of Contents

ezFIT 5.0 Milestones

Priority List (Revised May 05, 2011)

Release 1

Phase Tentative Date Status Milestones Description
1 Apr 30, 2011 Completed Product Support: Cue, Flx, Intuition12, Sparo12.
1 Apr 30, 2011 Completed Targets: Formula 2006 v.2.
1 Apr 30, 2011 Completed Product Simulation.
1 Apr 30, 2011 Completed Data Binding: Charts.
1 Apr 30, 2011 Completed Database Support: Patient
1 May 30, 2011 Completed Instrument Linking.
1 May 30, 2011 Completed Data Binding: Advanced Controls (existing).
1 May 30, 2011 Completed Custom Parameters (Ethos circuit) for advanced controls.
1 May 30, 2011 Needs Testing Autofits (existing environments).
1 May 30, 2011 Completed Super Controls.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Memory Copy.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Memory Linking. Delayed to after Apr 2012 (perhaps Jul 2012), to streamline project.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Database Support: Fitting Sessions.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Database Support: Import Parameters to Instrument.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Database Support: Import/Export Patient / Fitting Session for migration.
1 Jun 30, 2011 Testing: Instrument Read/Write.
1 Jul 30, 2011 Fitting Reports.
1 Jul 30, 2011 Testing: Software Functionality.
1 Aug 30, 2011 Testing: Fitting Reports.

Release 2

Phase Tentative Date Status Milestones Description
2 Nov 30, 2011 Noah Support.

Release 3

Phase Tentative Date Status Milestones Description
3 Feb 27, 2011 Delayed Solutions Guide. Delayed to after Apr 2012 (perhaps Jul 2012), to streamline project (per Paul). Replace functionality with Super Controls — 2011/06/23 16:30 Software Meeting
3 Feb 27, 2011 Product Support: Intuition 2ER. Request to add support for Intuition 2+, Intuition 2FC+ as well. (Paul Bryant on — 2011/06/23 16:30 Software Meeting)
3 Feb 27, 2011 Done Localization Support.
3 Feb 27, 2011 Localization: German.
3 Feb 27, 2011 Done Localization: Spanish.
3 Feb 27, 2011 Undo History.

Release 4

Phase Tentative Date Status Milestones Description
4 Mar 30, 2012 Product Support: Intuition 4+/AD, Sparo AD.
4 Mar 30, 2012 Product Support: Scenic, Rhythm (3229 (Trimmer) / 3231 (NR)).

Priority List (Revised Feb 14, 2011)

Phase Tentative Date Status Milestones Description
1 Apr 2011 Support for products: Cue, Flx, Intuition12, Sparo12.
1 Apr 2011 Targets: Formula 2006 v.2
1 Apr 2011 Autofits: Existing environments.
1 Apr 2011 Memory Copy.
1 Apr 2011 Product Simulation.
1 Apr 2011 Data Binding: Charts.
1 Apr 2011 Data Binding: Advanced Controls (existing).
1 Apr 2011 Database Support: Patient
1 Apr 2011 Database Support: Fitting Sessions
2 Apr 2012 Solutions Guide.
2 Apr 2012 Noah Support.
2 Apr 2012 Localization: German.
2 Apr 2012 Reports.
2 Apr 2012 Support for products: Scenic, Intuition 4+/AD, Sparo AD.
2 Apr 2012 Instrument/Memory Linking.
2 Apr 2012 Undo History.
2 Apr 2012 Super Controls.

Priority List (Rev 2010-12-01)

Phase Milestones Tentative Completion Date Status Description
1 Skeleton Framework Mar 30, 2010 Completed
1 Custom Library Wrappers Apr 30, 2010 In Development Add support for custom libraries (Intricon, Sound Design).
1 Prototype: Graphical User Interface & Instrument Engine May 26, 2010 Completed UI includes Layout and Functionality.
1 Prototype: Revision Graphical User Interface Jun 07, 2010 In Development
1 Prototype: Revision Graphical User Interface Aug 02, 2010 In Development
1 Custom Branding Aug 09, 2010 Completed
2 Prototype: Preliminary Noah Support Aug 16, 2010
2 Database Support Aug 30, 2010
2 Prototype: Noah Support Sep 27, 2010
2 Prototype: Lib Integration Oct 11, 2010
2 Prototype: Database Design Oct 25, 2010
2 Prototype: Priority List Nov 08, 2010
2 Prototype: Review Nov 22, 2010
3 Algorithms Jan 03, 2010 Super-controls, Prescriptions (Targets), Autofits, Solutions Guide, Acclimatization, Product Specs & Ranges. These features need to be developed in conjunction with Engineering and Audiology.
3 Implement Revised Design & Knowledge from Prototypes Nov 30, 2010
4 Reporting Dec 30, 2010
5 Testing Apr 01, 2011
6 Non-critical Functionality Support Dec 30, 2011 Product Ordering, Security/Privacy support, Environmental Sounds, Localization, etc.
Phase 1-5

Products to Deliver:

Subsystems to Deliver:


Phase 1

Milestone Deliverable Description
Skeleton Framework Source code checked into source control repository.
Custom Library Wrappers Custom libraries (Intricon, Sound Design).
Application to test reading and writing to instruments.
Prototype: Graphical User Interface & Instrument Engine Application with basic layout and functionality.

Phase 2

Milestone Deliverable Description
Database Support Source code with database support.
Application to test reading and writing to database.
Prototype: Noah Support Source code with Noah support.
Application to test reading and writing to Noah database and API.

Phase 3

Milestone Deliverable Description
Algorithms Targets documentation, and library source code.
Application demonstrating Target functionality.
Prescriptions documentation, and library source code.
Application demonstrating Prescription functionality.
Autofits documentation, and library source code.
Application demonstrating Autofit functionality.
Speech Optimizer documentation, and library source code.
Application demonstrating Speech Optimizer functionality.
Solutions Guide documentation, and library source code.
Application demonstrating Solutions Guide functionality.
Implement Revised Design & Knowledge from Prototypes Application with all required changes applied.

Phase 4

Milestone Deliverable Description
Reporting Library source code.
Application demonstrating Reporting functionality.

Phase 5

Milestone Deliverable Description
Testing Unit Tests, Test Cases, and Test Instruments.
Phase 6

Products to Deliver:

Subsystems to Deliver:


Phase 6

Milestone Deliverable Description
Non-critical Functionality Support Product Ordering, Security/Privacy support, Environmental Sounds, Localization, etc.
Application demonstrating Product Ordering functionality.