ezFIT 4 Localization (Translator Instructions)
Preparing Files for Translator
Translation of ResourceStrings


Translation of Fitting Solutions Guide

The Fitting Solutions guide data is found in fittingguide.xml file (normally stored in folder C:\Program Files\Audina\ezFIT4\data).

  1. Open file fittingguide.xml in an XML editor or text editor. Use one of the following (NOTE: Please do not use MS Word to edit this file. It will damage it.):
  2. Translate only the string assigned to “Title” and “Code”. When translating the “Code” string, make sure the text matches the previous title and the product code is not modified. For example:
    • Product code = P4
    • Title = “Feedback/Chirping”
    • Adjustments code = “P4 Feedback/Chirping”

Code snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CIRCUIT Code="P4" Title="Instrument Model: Paragon 4">
<ISSUE Title="Feedback/Chirping">
  <ADJUSTMENTS Code="P4 Feedback/Chirping">
    <ADJUSTMENT Row="0" Steps="3"  Action="Y" Title="Enable Notch Center." 
. . .

Translation of Installer

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