'components' => [
'view' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\View',
'theme' => [
'basePath' => '@app/themes/dirt',
'baseUrl' => '@web/../themes/dirt',
'pathMap' => [
'@app/views' => ['@app/themes/christmas', '@app/themes/dirt'],
'@app/modules' => '@app/themes/dirt/modules',
'@app/widgets' => '@app/themes/dirt/widgets',
//'layout' => 'mycustomlayout', // `@web/themes/mytheme/views/` contain mycustomlayout.php in this case
'params' => $params,
== Create Theme ==
=== Folder structure ===
Create theme in ''[app]/themes/[mytheme]/''. Anything below that should follow the ''[app]/views/'' folder structure, starting with ''layouts'', ''site'', etc. You can include additional folder for libraries and CSS files as well.
- [app]
--- themes
----- [mytheme]
------- layouts <-- to override views/layout
------- site <-- to override views/site
------- css <-- for CSS assets
------- lib <-- for library assets
=== Main Layout ===
Sample layout form: ''[app]/themes/[mytheme]/layouts/main.php'':
beginPage(); ?>
beginBody() ?>
TF Violet
I am a very simple card. I am good at containing small bits of information.
I am convenient because I require little markup to use effectively.
endBody(); ?>
endPage(); ?>
Reference: [[http://www.bsourcecode.com/yiiframework2/install-new-theme-in-yiiframework-2/]]
=== Custom Layout for Views ===
Some views can have additional custom layout by simply overriding them with a new file stored in the theme. For example, to override the ''about'' view, create file ''[app]/themes/[mytheme]/site/about.php'':
title = 'CUSTOM About';
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
= Html::encode($this->title) ?>
This is the CUSTOM ABOUT page. You may modify the following file to customize its content:
= __FILE__ ?>
== References ==
* [[http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-output-theming.html|Yii2 Guide: Theming]]
* [[http://www.bsourcecode.com/yiiframework2/install-new-theme-in-yiiframework-2|Example of Yii2 New Theme]]
* [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25622565/yii2-theme-integration|Yii2 Theme Integration]]