= WordPress Setup & Configuration = == Move Site == Using the Admin Panel: * Login to admin panel in current site. Eg: ''http://www.example.com/test/wordpress/wp-admin'' * Go to Settings > General. * Change to new URL in these fields: * WordPress Address (URL). Eg: ''http://www.example.com/wordpress'' (assuming old URL ''http://www.example.com/test/wordpress'') * Site Address (URL). Eg: ''http://www.example.com/wordpress'' * Save & logout while ignoring errors and warnings. * Move files to new path. ''Eg: % mv /var/www/test/wordpress /var/www/wordpress'' * Test new URL. Eg: ''http://www.example.com/wordpress'' Alternatively, you can change the WordPress database entries like this: * Edit file ''/wp-login.php'', and find this line: require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' ); and insert the following lines below: //FIXME: do comment/remove these hack lines. (once the database is updated) update_option('siteurl', 'http://www.example.com/wordpress' ); update_option('home', 'http://www.example.com/wordpress' ); * Visit the site one time. Eg: ''http://www.example.com/wordpress'' * Remove those lines in ''/wp-login.php''. In phpMyAdmin, you can edit the WordPress database as follows: ^ Table wp-options ^^ ^ option_name ^ option_value ^ | siteurl | http://www.example.com/wordpress | | home | http://www.example.com/wordpress | | fileupload_url | Edit as needed (if this exists) | | _theme_options | Edit as needed | | _menu_item_url | Several entries that need editing | References * [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory|Giving WordPress Its Own Directory]] * [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress#When_Your_Domain_Name_or_URLs_Change|Moving WordPress: When Your Domain Name or URLs Change]] * [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL|Changing the Site URL]] == Manually Remove Date from WordPress post and pages == Comment out any references to ''get_the_date()'' and ''get_the_time()'': <?php echo get_the_date(); ?> <?php echo get_the_time(); ?> Edit the following theme pages (in ''/////wp-content/themes/////'') to remove date/time entries in posts or pages: * Home page: ''index.php'' * Blog Posts: ''single.php'', ''post.php'', ''post-single.php'' * Archive pages: ''archive.php'' * Category pages: ''category.php'' * Pages: ''page.php '' References * [[http://bornvirtual.com/wordpress/remove-date-from-wordpress-post/#ixzz2zGh2ZbqT|Remove date from WordPress post]] == Installed Plugins == * BAW Login/Lougout menu: Add login/logout link in menus. * Contact Form to Email: Contact form. * Google Language Translator: Translate pages into multiple languages. * iframe: Shortcode to embed arbitrary webpage in an iframe in posts or pages. * Sky Login Redirect: Redirects users to the page they were reading just before logging in. * WP Content Permissions: Display different content for login and guest users. == Multisite Configuration == * [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network|Create a Network]] * [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Multisite_Network_Administration|Multisite Network Administration]] == Update Content == Login to ''/////en/wp-admin/'' to update the content: * Home page: * Pages > Welcome. * Products * Posts, then Add or Edit the current products. * Contact (footer box): * Appearance > Widgets. * Select Footer Widget Area 3, and edit the Text:Contact box. * New Product (right sidebar box): * Appearance > Widgets. * Select Footer Primary Sidebar, and edit the 'Info Box:New Product'. * Header Logo: * Appereance > PersonalFinance Theme Options * General > Logo Image