= Using WAMP Server in Production = == Configuring Apache == Allow computers on the network to access site. Edit the ''httpd.conf'' file to change the alias for directories to include the following: Root folder "/": ####################### # Development server ####################### #Options FollowSymLinks #AllowOverride None #Order deny,allow #Deny from all ####################### # Production server ####################### Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Allow,Deny Allow from 192 ''phpmyadmin'' folder: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Allow,Deny Allow from 192 == Configure PhpMyAdmin == === Secure root account === Secure root account by one of these: * Add a password to each ''root'' account (with rights to localhost,, and ::1). * Create a new user with rights to localhost,, and ::1, then deleting the old ''root'' accounts. === User and Password == Make it simple to connect to PhpMyAdmin. Edit ''config.inc.php'' file in ''/{WampDirectory}/apps/phpmyadmin{version}/'': === Upgrading WampServer === # Backup WAMP folder: ''C:\WAMP'' # Document passwords and permissions. List users (no password): mysql> SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user; # Document edited files. * ''[wamp]/apps/phpmyadminVerNo/config.inc.php'': Username/password, authentication, ports. * ''[wamp]/wampmanager.tpl'': References to http://localhost if changed to http://localhost:8080 (3 places). * ''[wamp]/bin/apache/apacheVerNo/conf/httpd.conf'': Verify settings with correct port, such as ''Listen 80'' and ''localhost:80''. * ''[wamp]/bin/mysql/mysqlVerNo/my.ini'': Verify mysql port 3306 to 3307 (3 places). * ''[wamp]/scripts/testport'': Verify port 80 (several places). * ''[wamp]/lang/English'': Verify port 80. * Document version numbers for Apache, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin, and whether computer is 64/32 bit. # Uninstall WAMPSERVER from control panel, to remove all files (except ''www'' and ''bin'' folders). # Install correct version of WAMPSERVER. # Enable rewrite module in Apache (menu in WAMP: Apache > Modules > Rewrite (checkmark)). # Start WAMP. # Check access to ''http://localhost'' # Edit password for PhpMyAdmin in ''config.php.inc'' === References === * [[http://pierrebaron.fr/blog/using-wampserver-in-production|Using WAMP Server in Production]] * [[http://flowingmotion.jojordan.org/2013/07/19/12-steps-to-rebuild-your-wamp-server-without-losing-your-data/|Rebuild WAMP Server without losing you data]] * [[http://wampserver.aviatechno.net|AviaTechno WAMP Server Download Mirror]]