== Moodle Setup and Configuration == ==Installation== * Setup database in MySQL: % mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE moodle; mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,INDEX,ALTER ON moodle.* TO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; mysql> quit % mysqladmin -p reload * Copy files. Download the latest package from http://www.moodle.org * Edit config.php. First make a copy of ''config-dist.php'' to ''config.php'', then edit with the required settings. * Configure system. Point your browser to http://support.example.com * Change language files to fit industry. ** Make a copy of lang/en to ''lang/en_example'' ** Edit all the ''lang/en_example'' files to modify strings to show "product forum" instead of "course". NOTE: do not modify constant names, only the string associated with the constants. * Deliver forum mail. Create a cron task to include the following (run task every 5 min). ** Create directory ''/etc/cron.5min'' ** Edit ''/etc/crontab'' and add: */5 * * * * root run-part /etc/cron.5min ** Create script ''/etc/cron.5min/moodle'' and add: #! /bin/bash wget -q -O /dev/null http://support.example.com/admin/cron.php ==Settings== * LongTimeNoSee: 360 days * LogLifeTime: 180 days * SlashArguments: ''file.php?file=/pic.jpg'' * Set default to "Don't automatically subscribe me to forums". Go to the ''mdl_user'' table and change the default of the autosubscribe field to 0 (zero). This means that profiles have "Don't automatically subscribe me to forums" unless it is consciously changed by the user. ==Regular Maintenance== * Creating user accounts. Go to the login screen (top right) on your site, and let the user click on "New User" and fill the details. * Creating new product forums (courses). Login as admin and go to Product Forums (Courses). Select the category, and then click on the Add New Product Forum (Course) button. ** Category: department to which product forum (course) belongs. ** Full Name: CODE + Name of product forum (course). ** Short Name: CODE ** Summary: Bulletin course summary. ** Format: Topic ** Product Forum (Course) Start Date: Sunday of 1st week of semester (always user Sun, otherwise weeks become confusing). ** Enrollment key: enter password for product forum (course) if required (to give to students who have registered). * Deleting product forums (courses). Login as admin and go to Product Forums (Courses). Click on the X beside the product forum (course) to be deleted. ==Troubleshooting== ** Cannot upload files greater than 500KB** ((Marcel Berteler. Moodle.org Forums: "General problems > Create file problem & upload problem", Friday, 9 May 2003, 06:48 PM.)). Fix: If you upload a file that is bigger than 500k you can get back an error from your server. Just adjusting the following php settings, it ignores it: upload_max_filesize, post_max_size I did a bit of searching on the net and found the following message on the PHP.net site and after setting some of his suggestions, I had no problem uploading bigger files. FILE UPLOAD FROM FORM ((greg at getnetez dot com, http://za.php.net/manual/en/configuration.directives.php, 11-Feb-2003 05:11.)) A little note recording to save some users some time with: ''upload_max_filesize'' ignored, ''post_max_size'' ignored and ''memory_limit'' doesn't matter. While troubleshooting a file upload issue with the IMP webmail system. I first looked to my php.ini and started adjusting these settings to no avail. My actual problem was a file httpd/conf.d/php.conf which contained: SetOutputFilter PHP SetInputFilter PHP LimitRequestBody 524288 The httpd/errorlog file showed: "Requested content-length of 2172475 is larger than the configured limit of 524288" After adjusting the ''LimitRequestBody'' configuration directive there to 8000000, I was still unable to complete the attachment and send of a 2.4 meg zip file through the webmail system. After a few hours of tweaking numbers and searching for more clues, I found the settings of upload_max_filesize = 8000000 post_max_size = 8000000 memory_limit = 30000000 max_execution_time = 240 It worked to upload Then the function from IMP which was timing out or memory_limiting out on my server: chunk_split(base64_encode($contents)) ** Cut and Paste using Firefox ** There are two ways of performing Cut and Paste in Moodle's editor: # Simply use < Shift >< Ins > to paste. # Configure the Firefox browser to handle Cut and Paste within editor. Modify ''prefs.js'', or create ''user.js'' file in directory ''C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.y3l'' user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "AllAccess"); user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "AllAccess"); user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "http://moodle.org" "http://www.mysite.com"); user_pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.cutcopy", "AllAccess"); user_pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.paste", "AllAccess"); user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");