== Linux Maintenance Scripts == == Services == ==== BIND/DNS ==== ''bind-restart.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: ./bind-restart.sh #/etc/init.d/bind stop #/etc/init.d/bind start /etc/init.d/bind9 restart ==== DHCP ==== ''dhcpd-restart.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: ./dhcpd-restart.sh #service isc-dhcp-server stop #service isc-dhcp-server start service isc-dhcp-server restart # Check status ps aux | grep dhcpd ==== Windows Server Mapping ==== ''map-win-backup-server.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: ./map-win-backup-server.sh ## Mount and map Windows backup server (for backup purposes) mount -t cifs -o username=backuponly,password=backup //backupserver2/LinuxBackup /data/win-fileserver/ ==== RSync ==== ''rsync-server.sh'': #!/bin/bash #rsync --verbose --progress --stats --compress --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh \ # --recursive --times --perms --links --delete \ # --exclude "*bak" --exclude "*~" \ # /var/www/mirror # Website rsync --archive --verbose --progress --stats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude=stats /data/mirror/swdev/www # Databases rsync --archive --verbose --progress --stats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms --links --delete /data/mirror/swdev/databases # Root user home rsync --archive --verbose --progress --stats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms --links --delete /data/mirror/swdev/root # Subserver Repositories rsync --archive --verbose --progress --stats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms --links --delete /data/mirror/swdev/repos == Anti-spam / Anti-crack == Run this script to scan the website and see signs of spamming or cracking: ''scan-website.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: scan-website.sh ## echo "Scan Website for vulnerabilities" > /tmp/scan.txt cd /var/www find . -name "*.php.suspected" >> /tmp/scan.txt find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -H "eval(" "{}" \; >> /tmp/scan.txt find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -H "\$GLOBALS.*\\x" "{}" \; >> /tmp/scan.txt find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -H "function.*for.*strlen.*isset" "{}" \; >> /tmp/scan.txt find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -H '> /tmp/scan.txt find . -name "*.php" -exec grep -H 'header(*Location:' "{}" \; >> /tmp/scan.txt less /tmp/scan.txt == Mail Spool Maintenance == Remove mail files of certain size (mailboxes that have spam and are not checked by users) #!/bin/bash x='' for x in $( ls /var/spool/mail ); do if [ $( stat -c %s /var/spool/mail/$x ) -gt 10000000 ]; then echo $x >> names.log # rm $x fi done == Commonly Used ''sed'' Commands == === Deleting Tabs with ''sed'' === To delete the rest of a line after the tab in command ''du'' (disk used), try one of the following commands: Delete characters from the begining of line until the tab: $ du | sed "s/^.*\t//" Delete tabe from the end of the line: $ du | sed "s/\t.*$//" ^Notation^^ | ''^'' | for beginning. | | ''$'' | for end. | | ''.'' | for one character. | | ''*'' | for 0 or more repetitions. | | ''\t'' | for tab. | == Backup Critical Data and Configuration == ==== Backup Web Systems ==== Create a daily cron task to backup some important files to a directory (for example: ''/data/backup''). This script should be created as ''/etc/cron.daily/backup.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: /etc/cron.daily/backup.sh ## #----------------------------- # Define Target Directory #----------------------------- TARGETDIR="/data/backup/$HOSTNAME" # Try to create TargetDir if it does not exist if ! cd $TARGETDIR; then mkdir $TARGETDIR fi # Perform operations if TargetDir exists if cd $TARGETDIR; then #----------------------------- # Remove old backup file #----------------------------- #rm -rf $TARGETDIR/* #----------------------------- ## Backup #----------------------------- # Backup mail spool rm -f $TARGETDIR/mail-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/mail-backup.tar.gz /var/spool/mail # Backup user directories rm -f $TARGETDIR/homes-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/homes-backup.tar.gz /home # Backup root user directories rm -f $TARGETDIR/root-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/root-backup.tar.gz /root # Backup system settings, ie. /etc directory rm -f $TARGETDIR/etc-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/etc-dir.tar.gz /etc # Backup MYSQL databases rm -f $TARGETDIR/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/mysql-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql # Hot backup with mysqldump command: # mysqldump -u -p > # Restore with: # mysql -u -p < mysqldump -uroot -pMyPass website_db > $TARGETDIR/website_db.sql tar -czf $TARGETDIR/website_db.tar.gz $TARGETDIR/website_db.sql # Backup SAMBA config files (when using tdbsam) rm -f $TARGETDIR/samba-data-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/samba-data-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/samba # Backup website rm -f $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz #tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz /var/www tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/websitebackup.tar.gz /var/www --exclude "/var/www/downloads" --exclude "/var/www/es/downloads" rm -f $TARGETDIR/downloads-backup.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/downloads-backup.tar.gz /var/www/downloads # Backup database as SQL # Backup projects rm -f $TARGETDIR/projrepos.tar.gz tar -czvf $TARGETDIR/projrepos.tar.gz /data/repos #----------------------------- # Send Reminder #----------------------------- ## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server. mail root@localhost -s "Get the backup tarball off the server" else ## send message to sysadmin. mail root@localhost -s "Backup failed. %TARGETDIR does not exist" fi ==== Backup Subversion Repositories ==== Including Subversion repositories: #!/bin/bash #----------------------------- # Define Repository Directory #----------------------------- REPOSDIR="/data/repos/myproj" TARGETDIR="/data/backup/$HOSTNAME" #--------------------------------------------------------- # Remove old Subversion dump file #--------------------------------------------------------- rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump #--------------------------------------------------------- # Step 1: Backup your old Repository #--------------------------------------------------------- # # The first thing you need when moving from one server to another # is a dump of your subversion repository. Hopefully you are already # creating dump's with a backup script, but if not here's how you can # create a subversion dump file: # # svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-clarujust.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-clarujust.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezarkd7.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezarkd7.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.localization.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit4.localization.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit5.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit5.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit-autorun.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezfit-autorun.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-ezhit.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-ezhit.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-eznzd7.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-eznzd7.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-gennum.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-gennum.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-installation.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-installation.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-mycomponents.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-mycomponents.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-nal.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-nal.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-prninvoice.svn_dump svnadmin dump $REPOSDIR > $TARGETDIR/repo-prninvoice.svn_dump rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-projskel.tar.gz tar czf $TARGETDIR/repo-projskel.tar.gz $REPOSDIR/projskel rm -f $TARGETDIR/repo-conf.tar.gz tar czf $TARGETDIR/repo-conf.tar.gz $REPOSDIR/conf # The dump file contains all the revisions you have ever made # to your svn repository, so it will probably be quite large # (it even includes files you may have deleted in a previous revision). # #--------------------------------------------------------- # Step 2: Create the new Repository #--------------------------------------------------------- # # Now, simply transfer the dump file on to your new subversion server, # and create an empty repository: # # svnadmin create /path/to/repository # svnadmin create $REPOSDIR # #--------------------------------------------------------- # Step 3: Import your old repository into the new one #--------------------------------------------------------- # # Next import your dump file: # # svnadmin load /path/to/repository < repo_name.svn_dump # svnadmin load $REPOSDIR < $TARGETDIR/repo-myproj.svn_dump ## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server. #mail ttran -s "Get the backup tarball off the server" ==== Backup Databases ==== Create a scrip ''backup-db.sh'' to backup databases: #!/bin/bash ## script: backup-db.sh ## # backup last 7 days #export d=`date +%u` # backup using date export d=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d') mkdir -p backup/$d #for i in `echo "show tables" | mysql -u username -ppassword database|grep -v Tables_in_`; for i in `echo "show tables" | mysql -u root -p database|grep -v Tables_in_`; do echo $i; mysqldump --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -q -a -c -u username -ppassword database $i > backup/$d/$i.sql rm -f backup/$d/$i.sql.gz gzip backup/$d/$i.sql done ==== Backup to Window Server ==== If you need to backup data to a remote Windows server (running Samba), use this script '''backup-to-winserver.sh'': #!/bin/bash ## script: /etc/cron.daily/backuptowinsvr ## ###!!!! THIS SCRIPT IS DISABLED ###!!!! COMMENT OUT THIS NEXT LINE TO ENABLE #exit 99 #----------------------------- # Define Target Directory #----------------------------- SOURCEDIR="/data/backup/$HOSTNAME" TARGETDIR="/data/win-fileserver" # Verify if source is available, otherwise we bail out if [ ! -d "$SOURCEDIR" ]; then echo " Nothing to backup on $(date). Source directory $SOURCEDIR does not exist." >> /var/log/backup.log echo " Nothing to backup on $(date)." echo " Source directory $SOURCEDIR does not exist." echo " Exiting." exit; fi # Try to create and mount TargetDir if it does not exist if [ ! -d "$TARGETDIR" ]; then mkdir $TARGETDIR fi # Perform operations if TargetDir exists if [ -d "$TARGETDIR" ]; then #------------------------------------------ # Mount Windows server samba drive (CIFS) #------------------------------------------ # Requires cifs-utils to be installed for mount to work. mount -t cifs -o username=backuponly,password=backup //backupserver2/LinuxBackup $TARGETDIR #----------------------------- # Remove old backup files #----------------------------- rm -rf $TARGETDIR/$HOSTNAME/* #----------------------------- # Backup #----------------------------- # Backup ALL files #cp -R $SOURCEDIR $TARGETDIR # Backup all files EXCEPT 'downloads*' files # Method 1: cp *?[!excludepattern] $SOURCEDIR $TARGETDIR # Method 2: cp `ls $SOURCEDIR |grep -v ` $TARGETDIR cd $SOURCEDIR cp `ls $SOURCEDIR | grep -v downloads` $TARGETDIR/$HOSTNAME #----------------------------- # Send Reminder #----------------------------- ## send reminder to sysadmin to pull the tarball from the server. echo "Backup to Windows Backup Server Complete" echo "Nightly Backup to Windows Backup Server Completed: $(date)" >> /var/log/backup.log echo "Source: $SOURCEDIR" >> /var/log/backup.log echo "Target: $TARGETDIR" >> /var/log/backup.log #mail root@localhost -s "Get the backup tarball off the server" else ## send message to sysadmin. echo "Backup to Windows Backup Server failed on $(date). %TARGETDIR does not exist" >> /var/log/backup.log echo "Backup to Windows Backup Server failed on $(date). %TARGETDIR does not exist" #mail root@localhost -s "Backup failed. %TARGETDIR does not exist" fi