= Regex Notation = == Regex Quick Reference == ^ Symbol ^ Description ^ | [abc] | A single character: a, b or c | | [^abc] | Any single character but a, b, or c | | [a-z] | Any single character in the range a-z | | [a-zA-Z] | Any single character in the range a-z or A-Z | | ^ | Start of line | | . | Any single character | | \s | Any whitespace character | | \S | Any non-whitespace character | | \d | Any digit | | \D | Any non-digit | | \w | Any word character (letter, number, underscore) | | \W | Any non-word character | | (...) | Capture everything enclosed | | (a|b) | a or b | | a? | Zero or one of a | | a* | Zero or more of a | | a+ | One or more of a | | a{3} | Exactly 3 of a | | a{3,} | 3 or more of a | | a{3,6} | Between 3 and 6 of a | General Tokens: ^ Symbol ^ Description ^ | \n | Newline | | \r | Carriage return | | \t | Tab | | \f | Form-feed | | \0 | Null character | Anchors: ^ Symbol ^ Description ^ | \G | Start of match | | ^ | Start of string | | \A | Start of string | | $ | End of string | | \Z | End of string | | \z | Absolute end of string | | \b | Any word boundary character | | \B | Any non-word boundary | | \w | Any word character (letter, number, underscore) | | \W | Any non-word character | Flags/Modifiers (eg: "/regex here.../g"): ^ Symbol ^ Description ^ | g | Global (do not return after first match) | | i | Case insensitive | | m | Multiline (dot matches newlines, ^ and $ match start/end of line) | | s | Single line (dot matches newline) | | u | Unicode (match with full unicode) | | x | eXtended (ignore whitespace) | | X | eXtra (disallow meaningless excapes| | o | Perform #{...} substitutions only once | | A | Anchored (anchor to start of pattern) | | J | Duplicate group names (allow duplicate subpattern names) | | D | Dollar end only ($ matches only end of pattern) | == Using Regex in PHP == Can be used as ''ereg()'' or ''preg_match()''. Here is a comparison: Using options: Example using ''preg_replace()'': // Strip ending commas $str = preg_replace('/,$/s', '', $str); // Strip leading/trailing commas with whitespace around $str = preg_replace('/^[,\s]+|[\s,]+$/', '', $str); == References == * [[http://www.rexegg.com/regex-quickstart.html|Regex Cheat Sheet]] * [[https://regex101.com|Regex 101]]