== Software Development Naming Conventions == == Component Abbreviations == ^ Component ^ Abbreviation ^ | AutoObject | autobj | | BatchMove | batmov | | Bevel | bev | | BiGauge | bgauge | | BiPict | bpic | | BiSwitch | bswitch | | BitBtn | bbtn | | Button | btn | | Calendar | cal | | ChartFX | chartfx | | CheckBox | chk | | ColorDialog | colordiag | | ColorGrid | colorgrid | | ComboBox | cbx | | Database | db | | DataModule | datamod | | DataSource | ds | | DBCheckBox | dbchk | | DBComboBox | dbcbx | | DBEdit | dbed | | DBGrid | dbgrid | | DBImage | dbimg | | DBListBox | dblstbx | | DBLookupComboBox | dblookcbx | | DBLookupCombo | dblookcbo | | DBLookupListBox | dblooklstbx | | DBLookupList | dblooklst | | DBMemo | dbmemo | | DBNavigator | dbnav | | DBRadioGroup | dbgrp | | DBText | dbtxt | | DdeClientConv | clientconv | | DdeClientItem | clientitem | | DdeServerConv | svrconv | | DdeServerItem | svritem | | DirectoryListBox | dirlst | | DirectoryOutline | diroutln | | DrawGrid | drwgrid | | DriveComboBox | drvcbx | | Edit | ed | | FileListBox | filelst | | FilterComboBox | fltrcbx | | FindDialog | finddlg | | FontDialog | fontdlg | | Form | frm | | Gauge | gauge | | GraphicsServer | graphsvr | | GroupBox | box | | Header | hdr | | HeaderControl | hdrctrl | | HotKey | hotkey | | IBEventAlerter | ibeventalert | | Image | img | | ImageList | imglst | | Label | lbl | | ListBox | lstbx | | ListView | lstview | | MainMenu | mnu | | MaskEdit | msked | | MediaPlayer | mplay | | MenuItem | mnuitm | | Memo | memo | | Notebook | nbk | | OleContainer | olecont | | OpenDialog | opendlg | | OutLine | outln | | PageControl | pgctrl | | PaintBox | paintbx | | Panel | pnl | | PopupMenu | popmnu | | PrintDialog | prndlg | | PrinterSetupDialog | prnsetdlg | | ProgressBar | progressbar | | QRBand | qrbnd | | QRDBCalc | qrdbcalc | | QRDBText | qrdbtxt | | QRDetailLink | qrdetaillnk | | QRGroup | qrgrp | | QRLabel | qrlbl | | QRMemo | qrmemo | | QRPreview | qrpreview | | QRShape | qrshp | | QRSysData | qrsysdata | | Query | qry | | QuickReport | qr | | RadioButton | radio | | RadioGroup | grp | | ReplaceDialog | repldlg | | Report | rpt | | RichEdit | riched | | SaveDialog | savedlg | | ScrollBar | scrollbar | | ScrollBox | scrollbx | | Session | session | | SpeedButton | btn | | SpinButton | spin | | SpinEdit | spined | | StatusBar | statusbar | | StoredProc | storedproc | | StringGrid | strgrid | | TabbedNotebook | tabntbk | | TabControl | tabctrl | | Table | tbl | | TabSet | tabset | | Thread | thread | | Timer | timer | | TrackBar | trkbar | | TreeView | treeview | | UpdateSQL | udsql | | UpDown | updown | == Suggested Component Abbreviations == Delphi components and suggested abbreviations: ((Henderson, Ken. ''Database Developer's Guide with Delphi 2'', Borland Press.)) ^ Component ^ Abbreviation ^ | AutoObject | ao | | BatchMove | bm | | Bevel | be | | BiGauge | bg | | BiPict | bp | | BiSwitch | bs | | BitBtn | bb | | Button | bu | | Calendar | ca | | ChartFX | ch | | CheckBox | ck | | ColorDialog | c_ | | ColorGrid | cg | | ComboBox | cb | | Database | db | | DataModule, DBMemo | dm | | DataSource | ds | | DBCheckBox | dk | | DBComboBox | dc | | DBEdit | de | | DBGrid | gr | | DBImage | di | | DBListBox | dl | | DBLookupComboBox,DBLookupCombo | lc | | DBLookupListBox,DBLookupList | ll | | DBNavigator | na | | DBRadioGroup | dg | | DBText | te | | DdeClientConv | cc | | DdeClientItem | ci | | DdeServerConv | sc | | DdeServerItem | si | | DirectoryListBox | dy | | DirectoryOutline | do | | DrawGrid | dr | | DriveComboBox | rc | | Edit | ed | | FileListBox | fl | | FilterComboBox | fc | | FindDialog | n_ | | FontDialog | f_ | | Form | fm | | Gauge | ga | | GraphicsServer | gs | | GroupBox | gb | | Header | he | | HeaderControl | hc | | HotKey | hk | | IBEventAlerter | ie | | Image | im | | ImageList | il | | Label | la | | ListBox | lb | | ListView | lv | | MainMenu | mm | | MaskEdit | md | | MediaPlayer | mp | | MenuItem | mi | | Memo | me | | Notebook | nb | | OleContainer | ol | | OpenDialog | o_ | | OutLine | ou | | PageControl | pc | | PaintBox | pb | | Panel | pa | | PopupMenu | pu | | PrintDialog | p_ | | PrinterSetupDialog | i_ | | ProgressBar | pr | | QRBand | qb | | QRDBCalc | qc | | QRDBText | qt | | QRDetailLink | qd | | QRGroup | qg | | QRLabel | ql | | QRMemo | qm | | QRPreview | qp | | QRShape | qh | | QRSysData | qs | | Query | qu | | QuickReport | qr | | RadioButton | rb | | RadioGroup | rg | | ReplaceDialog | r_ | | Report | rp | | RichEdit | re | | SaveDialog | s_ | | ScrollBar | sa | | ScrollBox | sx | | Session | se | | SpeedButton | sb | | SpinButton | su | | SpinEdit | sd | | StatusBar | st | | StoredProc | sp | | StringGrid | sg | | TabbedNotebook | tn | | TabControl | tc | | Table | ta | | TabSet | ts | | Thread | th | | Timer | ti | | TrackBar | tb | | TreeView | tv | | UpdateSQL | us | | UpDown | ud | | VCFirstImpression | vf | | VCFormulaOne | vo | | VCSpeller | vs |