= JQuery Code Snippets = == AJAX == ...

Server Time:

Local Time:

//--------------------------------------------------------------- // Get local time //--------------------------------------------------------------- function getLocalTimeTimer() { var curDate = new Date(); //curDate.toLocaleFormat('%b-%d-%Y'); // Dec-30-2011 var localTime = curDate.toLocaleTimeString(); //document.getElementById("timeclock-server-time").innerHTML = curDate + " " + localTime; document.getElementById("timeclock-client-time").innerHTML = "Local time: " + localTime; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Get server time //--------------------------------------------------------------- function getServerTimeTimer() { $.ajax({ // Controller method to call //url: 'http://localhost:8080/catalog/site/build.php', url: 'lib-get-ajax-data.php', // Parameter data to pass in data: { cmd: 'get-server-time' }, type: 'POST', cache: false, dataType : "json", // Code to run if the request succeeds; // the response is passed to the function success: function(data) { // process data //console.log('data: respStatus: [' + data.respStatus + '], error: [' + data.error + '], timestamp: [' + data.timestamp + '], output: [' + data.output + ']'); var results = ''; if (data.respStatus == "ok") { results = data.output; } else { results = ''; } $('#timeclock-server-time').html(results); }, // Code to run if the request fails; // the raw request and status codes are passed to the function error: function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) { //alert('Sorry, there was a problem! Error: ' + errorThrown + 'Status: ' + status + xhr); //console.log('Error: ' + errorThrown ); //console.log('Status: ' + status ); console.dir( xhr ); }, // Code to run regardless of success or failure complete: function( xhr, status ) { //alert('The request is complete!'); } }); } No data'; } ?> == Get Input Values == === Combobox / Listbox (single select) === var selValue = $('#catalog-lang option:selected').val(); var selText = $('#catalog-lang option:selected').text(); Eg: === Listbox (muti-select) === var realvalues = []; var textvalues = []; $('#catalog-products :selected').each(function(i, selected) { realvalues[i] = $(selected).val(); textvalues[i] = $(selected).text(); }); When using ''select-option'' controls, ''option:selected'' can be used: $('#catalog-products option:selected').each(function(i, selected) { ... } Eg: == DOM Manipulation == Get Javascript element: $( "#foo" )[ 0 ]; // Equivalent to document.getElementById( "foo" ) Visibility on an input element and its label: $('#myInput').hide(); $('label[for=\"myInput\"]').hide();