== Software Localization Using Firebird == === Character Sets === String fields should have the correct Character Set and Collation. The following shows a list of commonly used settings for some languages: ^ Language ^ Character Set ^ Collation ^ | Western European | WIN1252 | WIN1252 | | Korean | KSC_5601 | KSC_5601 | | Russian | WIN1251 | WIN1251 | | Turkish | WIN1254 | WIN1254 | To change the Character Set and Collation, use IBExpert to edit fields: * Open database * Open table to modify. * View field list. * Edit required field (usually a string field, such as VARCHAR). Right-click, Edit Field, then Edit Domain. * Change the Character Set and Collate fields to what is required. * Save and commit changes. For Firebird to find the appropriate character set and collation, make sure the subfolder ''intl'' contains files ''fbintl.conf'' and ''fbintl.dll''. This subfolder must exist under the application's folder.