= Editing RESX Files = == Edit Files with SimpleResxEditor == SimpleResxEditor is a text editor especially designed to easily edit RESX files. Download a copy from http://code.google.com/p/simpleresxeditor. Open SimpleResxEditor. Open RESX files. Click on the first toolbar button, and select RESX files to open. One file should be a guide (English) and another one to translate. For example: Open ''resources.ko.resx'' (Korean) to translate, and ''resources.resx'' (English) as a guide. {{:dotnet:localization:loc-selecting-resx-files.png?nolink&600|}} Set Key column visible. Click on the "Key" toolbar button to activate it. {{:dotnet:localization:loc-resx-editor-hiding-keys.png?nolink&600|Key column is not visible by default}}{{:dotnet:localization:loc-resx-editor-showing-keys.png?nolink&600|Click on Key icon to enable Key column}} Alternatively, set the Key column always visible from the startup. Click on the "Settings" toolbar button. {{:dotnet:localization:loc-resx-editor-settings.png?nolink&600|}} Edit value fields, comparing it to the Key and English values. NOTE: Do not enter anything in the "Comments" field. Only translate the "Value" field. {{:dotnet:localization:loc-enteringvalue.png?nolink&600|}} Save file. Click on the second toolbar button. == Edit Files with Text Editor == A regular text editor can be used for editing RESX files as well. Any ''< data >'' node that has a ''< value >'' needs to have this ''value'' translated. For example: English (default) resource file ''Resources.resx'': Address Korean resource file ''Resources.ko.resx'': 주소