== Using Delphi for PHP == === AJAX Applications === Set the following settings: * Enable form to process AJAX. Eg: ''Form1.UseAjax = true;'' * Enable control to call AJAX routine. Eg: For ''Button1'' control create a routine like this: class Form1 extends Page { $Button1 = null; . . . // other controls defined here function Button1JSClick($sender, $params) { echo $this->Button1->ajaxCall("WhateverRoutineToCall"); ?> // always finish with this javascript statement // when using a Submit button (if you do not want // to reload the form. return(false); Note: Do not put ''echo'' statements in the function that is called by ''ajaxCall()''. Otherwise the AJAX code will not work. === Localize an Application === Perform the following steps: * Any references to a string in your code (eg: ''echo "Hello, world!";'' ) should be replaced by a call to ''gettext()'' or ''_()''. Eg: echo _("Hello, World!"); * Set the ''Language'' property for the form to the required locale. * Translate the user interface in the form to the required locale. This creates a ''form1.////.xml.php'' file that contains all the specific changes made to that locale. * Run the Internationalization Wizard (Tools > Internationalization Wizard) to create the directory structure and files used by gettext. * Create or edit the localization files for your language using poEdit. poEdit calls it a 'catalog'. The file is found in the project directory under ''locale//////LC_MESSAGES/messages.po''. After saving the poEdit catalog (eg: ''messages.po'' file), poEdit will create a .mo binary file which is what it is used by your application. * Set ''Language'' property in the OnCreate event for the form, and translate the required form controls. Eg: function Form1Create($sender, $params) { // set locale $this->Language = "Danish"; // translate form controls $this->btnSave->Caption = _("Save"); $this->btnDownload->Caption = _("Download"); $this->lblLanguage->Caption = _("Language"); $this->lblProductName->Caption = _("Product Name"); $this->lblCompanyName->Caption = _("Company Name"); } === Documentation and Support === * http://www.qadram.com/vcl4php/ * http://forums.delphi-php.net/ * http://qc.borland.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?da=5283