= Verification: Sonetik Production Log = == Definitions == ^ Term ^ Definition ^ | Production Log | The system used to save Profile Loads done in the Production Tool. | | Profile | The set of circuit parameters as specified by Sonetik that determines a products output performance. | | PGM or PGM file | An engineering file that lists all parameters of a Profile. This file is considered the master specification for a given Profile. | | Circuit Hash | A way to uniquely identify the content of the circuit. A parameter change will also change the circuit hash. Each Sonetik Profile has a corresponding and unique circuit hash. | | Master Hash List | A list of Sonetik Profiles with version and hash. This list is managed independently from the production tool which allows us to use the hash to also validate the production tool. | | Sonetik Profile Programming Validation Report | A final report run after programming to verify that the appropriate Profile was loaded to a device. | == Methods == === How to verify or update the hashes in the Master Hash List === # A compatible circuit is acquired that has been cleared of any data. # Intricon’s engineering software is used to load the Profile PGM to the circuit. # Use the Production Tool to read the circuit and generate a Circuit Hash. # Compare the generated hash to the record for this Profile within the Master Hash List. # Any invalid hashes should be updated to the newly generated hash.