= ezHITConfig Conformance Tests = ISO FRM 4.4.23, Rev 1, 04/19/2018 == Issues Tested == # Application Installation. # Application Launch and Shutdown. # Hearing Aid Initialization and Testing. # Refurbishing Hearing Aid. # Saving and Importing Session. # System Options. # Communication with the Hi-Pro. # Un-structured Test. == Test Environment == === Hardware === * Pentium IV, 2 GB RAM, 1GB free hard disk space. * Programming Box: * HI-PRO Classic, HI-PRO USB, HI-PRO 2. * EMiniTec & EMiniTec 2 Programmer (USB). * NOAHlink. === Software === * Windows 7+ * .NET Framework 4.5 * Firebird Database Server 2.5 == Conformance Test Report ==
Conformance Test Report
Application Name
Version and Build
Type of Conformance Test

Contact Person
Hearing Instrument Programming Interface Types supported
Hi-Pro (Serial)
Hi-Pro (USB)
Hi-Pro 2 (USB)
EMiniTec (USB)
EMiniTec 2 (USB)
Other (Specify: )

Windows versions supported
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016
Test Sequences Remarks Passed?

1. Application Installation.


2. Application Launch and Shutdown.


3. Hearing Aid Initialization and Testing.


4. System Options.


5. Communication with the Hi-Pro.

6. Un-structured Test.    
== Test Sequences == === Test Sequence 1: Application Installation ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig installation.

Follow installation instructions.

The application install successfully.

Depending on the implementation, a screen with a <Finish> button appears, or the option to reboot the computer for changes to take place.

If the application installation requires the computer to be rebooted, please exit, reboot and start the application.

2 Verify that no system components were downgraded during installation. This should include FireBird, database files, programmer driver files. No system components were downgraded.  
3 Select Programming Box (usually "Hi-Pro (Classic or USB)"), at the top right of screen.    
4 Start a product initialization by clicking on Build Instrument button, then Connect button (top). Build screen shows product read.  
5 Load default default parameters (click on 'Ship Defaults' button), then click 'Save' button. Parameters get saved without an error message.  
=== Test Sequence 2: Application Launch and Shutdown ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

2 Exit application by clicking on X (top right window corner). Exits application with no errors or memory leaks.  
3 Perform Steps 1 - 3. Then, exit application by pressing <Alt><F4>. Exits application with no errors or memory leaks.  
=== Test Sequence 3: Hearing Aid Initialization and Testing ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

2 Read/connect to the device. Build screen shows a product.  
3 Select the correct model and style.    
4 Enter the Serial Number of the device.    
5 Click on 'Ship Defaults' button.    
6 Save. Parameters get save without errors.  
7 Click “TEST” button at the top of the screen. You should still be connected to the instrument. If you are not, click the “CONNECT” button. No errors.  
8 Under the “Test Setup” tab: - Verify the model and style is correct. - Input the Owner name by typing the last name, first initial. - Verify the serial number and the side. - Verify the Instrument Type and Instrument Settings.    
9 Click “START TEST” button to start the test. Once the test is complete, compare results in the “TEST RESULTS” tab to the QC Response specifications. If the hearing aid has acceptable results, print a copies of the Test Report by clicking the “PRINT” button.  
=== Test Sequence 4: Refurbishing Hearing Aid ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

2 Read/connect to the device. Build screen shows a product.  
3 Select 'Refurbish' screen, and select all patient and circuit settings to clear to reset.    
4 Click 'Refurbish' button save. Parameters get cleared and saved without errors.  

Restart ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

6 Read/connect to the device. Build screen shows product.  
7 Select 'Refurbish' screen. Parameters are cleared.  
8 Open Intricon's Slider or Motif engineering software and read the circuit. Scratch data parameters should be default (all zeroes, typically).  
=== Test Sequence 5: Saving and Importing Session ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

2 Read/connect to the device. Build screen shows a product.  
3 Modify parameters, including the Serial Number of the device.    
4 Go to 'Save Session' screen, enter Order Number and Patient Initials, then Save. Parameters get saved without errors.  

Restart ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

6 Read/connect to the device. Build screen shows product.  
7 Modify parameters, including the Serial Number of the device.    
8 Go to 'Import Session' screen, select previously save session (search using Order Number if necessary) and import. Parameters get saved without errors and match previously saved parameters.  
=== Test Sequence 6: System Options ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

2 Select 'Settings' (top right). 'Settings' window shows up.  
3 Change settings and save them by closing panel.    
4 Check settings by reopening the panel. Changes previously made should still be there.  
5 Check settings again, but after restarting the application. Changes previously made should still be there.  
=== Test Sequence 7: Communication with the HI-PRO Programmer ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.

  Configure application to use Hi-Pro (Programming Box, at the top right)    
  Close any other applications that might interfere with the COM port (such as Intricon's Slider or Motif) to ensure the Hi-Pro COM port is not in use. No error messages.  
  Select a hearing aid and perform an initialization.

The selected hearing aid has been programmed.

The application should not hang or crash during a shutdown of the Hi-Pro.

=== Test Sequence 8: Un-structured Test ===
Step Description Expected Behavior Test Result

Run ezHITConfig.

The application opens successfully.


Try to simulate the use of the application in a production environment.
Perform several product initializations (using various circuit and product types).

The application should perform as intended.  
3 Try to stress and crash the application by clicking on different buttons and menu items within application. This should be performed under Windows 7/8/10. This ad-hoc testing should be performed for a time period of at least 15 minutes. The module should not crash or lock the system.  
4 Exit application. Application is closed down.  
=== Sign-off ===
The application has successfully passed the above test sequences. The supporting log files and/or manual test worksheets have been included.
(It is acceptable to type in the name and date if the report is being sent electronically)