== Software Supported Products (Matrix) == The following is a list of products that are supported in each version of software. This list is valid as of 6/20/2017. ^ Product ^ Circuit ^ Supported in ezFIT 4.30 ^ Supported in ezFIT 5 | | Accurio | ci_Venture | X | | | ARC | ci_Venture | X | | | Arro OTE 2 | ci_SpinNR | | X | | Arro OTE 6 | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Arro OTE 6AD | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Arro OTE 12 | ci_Audion8 | | X | | Arro RIC 2 | ci_SpinNR | | X | | Arro RIC 6 | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Arro RIC 12 | ci_Audion8 | | X | | BTE 478P | ci_Foundation | X | | | BTE 478P+ | ci_Essential | X | X | | BTE 675DP | ci_Consolidator | X | | | BTE 675DP+ | ci_Essential | X | X | | Clari-D | ci_DigitalOne4AFC | X | | | Cue | ci_EthosOvertus | X | X | | Cue MRIC | ci_EthosOvertus | X | X | | Flx 2 | ci_SpinNR | | X | | Flx 4 | ci_Audion4 | | X | | Flx 6 | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Flx 12 | ci_Ethos | | X | | Flx | ci_Ethos | X | X | | Foundation | ci_Foundation | X | | | Instinct | ci_Duet | X | | | Intellio | ci_InspiriaUltimate | X | | | Intuition 2 | ci_DigitalOne2 | X | | | Intuition 2+ | ci_SpinNR | X | X | | Intuition 2FC | ci_Spin | X | X | | Intuition 2FC+ | ci_SpinNR | X | X | | Intuition 2ER | ci_SpinNR | X | X | | Intuition 4 | ci_DigitalOne4NRPlus | X | | | Intuition 4+ | ci_InTune | X | X | | Intuition 4AD | ci_InTune | X | X | | Intuition 4AD BTE | ci_InTune | X | X | | Intuition D | ci_DigitalOne4NRPlus | X | | | Intuition 6 / 6AD | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Intuition 12 (formerly 8) | ci_Ethos | X | X | | IRIC 2 | ci_SpinNR | | X | | IRIC 4 | ci_InTune | | X | | IRIC 6 | ci_Audion6 | | X | | IRIC 12 | ci_Ethos | | X | | Nueve | ci_Nueve | X | | | nVe 4 | ci_DigitalOne4NRPlus | X | X | | nVe AD | ci_Intune | X | X | | Octane 4 | ci_Audion4 | | X | | Octane 6 | ci_Audion6 | | X | | Octane 12 | ci_Audion8 | | X | | Paragon 2 | ci_Paragon2 | X | | | Paragon 2 BTE | ci_Paragon2 | X | | | Paragon 4 | ci_Paragon4 | X | | | Paragon 4 BTE | ci_Paragon4 | X | | | Programmables | | X | | | Simplex 2P BTE | ci_Essential | X | X | | Simplex 2P+ | ci_Essential | X | X | | Sparo 4 | ci_DigitalOne4NRPlus | X | X | | Sparo 2 | ci_Spin | X | X | | Sparo 2+ | ci_SpinNR | X | X | | Sparo 2ER | ci_SpinNR | X | X | | Sparo AD | ci_Intune | X | X | | TransEar | ci_DigitalOne4NRPlus | X | | | TransEar+ | ci_Intune | X | | | TransEar12 | ci_Ethos | X | | == The version of software in which support for a product was added == These are the minimum software requirements for the listed products. ^ Product ^ ezFIT version ^ | Accurio | 4.13 | | ARC | 4.14 | | Arro OTE 2/6/12 Family | 2016 (0101) | | Arro RIC 2/6/12 Family | 2016 (0715) | | BTE 478P | 4.17 | | BTE 478P+ | 4.26 (2012-03-30) | | BTE 478P+ 2 / BTE278P | 2017 (0112) | | BTE 478P+ | 4.26 (2012-03-30) | | BTE 675DP | 4.21 | | BTE 675DP+ | 2014? | | BTE D6P | 2018 (01-10) | | BTE D6HP | 2018 (01-10) | | BTE 6AD | 2018 (01-10) | | Clari-D | 4.13 | | Cue | 4.24 | | Cue MRIC | 4.25 (2011-09-19) | | Flx 2 | 2013 (09-18) | | Flx 4 | 2013 (09-18) | | Flx 4 (Harmonix) | 2018 (01-10) | | Flx 6 | 2013 (09-18) | | Flx 12 | 2013 (09-18) | | Flx | 4.21 | | Foundation | 4.10 | | Instinct | 4.07 | | Intellio | 4.21 | | Intuition 2 | 4.14 | | Intuition 2+ | 4.25 (2011-09-19) | | Intuition 2FC | 4.17 | | Intuition 2FC+ | 4.25 (2011-09-19) | | Intuition 2FC BTE | 4.18 | | Intuition 2ER | 4.25 | | Intuition 4 | 4.13 | | Intuition 4+ | 4.18 | | Intuition 4+ (with +Power) | 4.19 | | Intuition 4+• (Audion4) | 2018 (01-25) | | Intuition 4AD | 4.17 | | Intuition 4AD BTE | 4.18 | | Intuition 6 / 6AD | 2013 (05-10) | | Intuition 6 BTE | 2022 (03-22) | | Intuition D | 4.17 | | Intuition 8 / 12 | 4.20 | | Intuition 12 w/ SoftTouch | 4.26 (2012-05-07) | | IRIC 2 | 2012 (08-01) | | IRIC 4 | 2012 (08-01) | | IRIC 6 | 2013 (10-01) | | IRIC 12 | 2012 (08-01) | | Nueve | 4.00 | | nVe 4 | 4.20 | | nVe AD | 4.20 | | Octane Family | 2015 (01-22) | | Paragon 2 | 4.00 | | Paragon 2 BTE | 4.14 | | Paragon 4 | 4.00 | | Paragon 4 BTE | 4.00 | | Programmables | 4.00 | | Simplex 2P BTE | 4.19 | | Simplex 2P+ | 4.26 (2012-04-13) | | Sparo | 4.14 | | Sparo 2 | 4.17 | | Sparo 2+ | 4.25 (2012-01-17) | | Sparo 2ER | 4.25 (2012-01-17) | | Sparo AD | 4.17 | | TransEar | 4.14 | | TransEar+ | 4.18 | | TransEar12 | 4.25 (2011-11-15) | == ezFIT 4.30 Noah compatibility notes == ezFIT 4.30 works on almost all variations of Noah a customer might have installed. The exceptions are listed below as a list and in table form. * Noah 3.7 on a 64 bit OS * Noah 4.0 ^ Noah version ^ 32bit OS ^ 64bit OS ^ | 3.x | Yes | **No** | | 4.0 | **No** | **No** | | 4.1+ | Yes | Yes | # Noah 4 is a free upgrade and can be downloaded directly from Himsa at http://www.himsa.com == ezFIT 2014 Noah compatibility notes == ezFIT 2014 is compatible with Noah version 4.1 and higher regardless of whether the computer is 32 or 64 bit.